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Vampire and are not ?!?!?


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I do attack the disease of the vampire, to do the mission that I sincerely do not I ever made.

Okay, I'll take it and go to sleep, I can not screen the type of vampirism "I woke up and bites a person, I turned and I was" but I remain normal.

So I say "How the hell can that be?" I go up in the "Active Effects" and says "vampire disease", but I'm not a vampire.

Why not become a vampire, even if it is on the game?

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Forgive my ignorance, but I'm having a little difficulty understanding what you are asking.


Are you saying that you accidentally became a vampire? This can happen when fighting any vampire. You will need to undertake a quest to cure the disease.


Or are you saying that you see that you have the vampire disease, but you see no effects? Your face should change and your character should become stronger, but will take damage when exposed to sunlight.


Check out this page for more information about vampirism including how to cure it.

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The answer is in that link I gave you:


Your appearance will change significantly, and will remain so until you are cured. Your character will age by about twenty years, acquiring a wrinkled and pale complexion. If your character has an unusual skin color, this may be changed radically. Others will notice and comment on your appearance if you allow yourself to go beyond 25% vampirism. For humanoids, your eyes will become a pale red color. You may also lose your eyebrows and facial hair. While you are a full vampire (haven't fed in 72 hours or more and have waited/slept three separate times), people may refuse to speak to you, citing your obvious vampirism.This can be countered by raising the NPC's disposition to at least 100, for example using Vampiric Seduction.


It is important to remember that until you actually wait or rest, the changes won't be triggered. If you do not want the powers and bonuses of being a full vampire, then it's much better to use spells or potions to heal yourself, and fast travel around the map to consume time instead of waiting/resting. Although this will in theory allow you to prevent changes indefinitely, you will eventually need to rest in order to level up. In that case, the easiest thing to do is to go to an area frequented by beggars such as the Imperial Waterfront District. Wait in one hour successions until all your changes are complete, then feed on the sleeping beggars. This might be somewhat tedious in the length, though, especially fast traveling to pass time.
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