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Adding item to a character using a script- Help


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I'm trying to add items to my character in Fallout New Vegas the same way the preorder DLCs do it for the game. And I'm having trouble making the script for it to actually add the items to my inventory. I've tried replicating/reverse engineering the scripts and scripts from other works but nothing seems to work. Does anyone know the correct way to do it?


Here's an example of how I tried to script it:


ScriptName addingammoScript


BEGIN GameMode


Player.AddItem NVDLC02Ammo45Auto 500;

Player.AddItem Ammo12Ga 240;

Player.AddItem Ammo9mm 100





Is there anyway to make this work?

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*Script placed in spoiler box.*


I'm trying to add items to my character in Fallout New Vegas the same way the preorder DLCs do it for the game. And I'm having trouble making the script for it to actually add the items to my inventory. I've tried replicating/reverse engineering the scripts and scripts from other works but nothing seems to work. Does anyone know the correct way to do it?


Here's an example of how I tried to script it:


ScriptName addingammoScript

BEGIN GameMode

   	Player.AddItem NVDLC02Ammo45Auto 500;
   	Player.AddItem Ammo12Ga 240;
   	Player.AddItem Ammo9mm 100



Is there anyway to make this work?


You need to run the script via a quest, and make sure the script is a quest script.

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Once you make it a quest script, you will notice that your inventory fills up with many copies of these items. You will need to add a flag, to make sure this only happens once. The tutorials on the main geck page will help you with the details of this.


Or add StopQuest <questname> to the script after the AddItem lines.

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If I were you I would make a quest with start game enabled triggering a script like this:


scriptname namehere
short once
begin gamemode
if once == 1
	player.additem 0200947b 500
               player.additem 0008ecf5 240
               player.additem 0008ed03 100
	set once to 1

Edited by EvolutionZero
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