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Hey guys...


This is how it goes :D I wake up in the morning i feel a little sore pain in my back...

30 minutes later...

My whole body is stiffed (english -.-) i can't move my neck, i can't straighten up my back... Im stuck in a chair...What should i do?! xD

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Probably sleeping wrong. I have actually had something like this happen before, but that was after I damaged a nerve >.<

In all likelihood though you may just have strained something or simply pinched a nerve. Still bben and Paxan are both right, so don't take my word for it :)

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Absolutely same thing happened to me twice.

It's got to do with the position you sleep in. You should be in a straight position and lying on the side, belly or back and have only one pillow (Like CommanderC said) and make sure your neck is straight too.

If it happens again straighten yourself up against a wall, it will hurt a lot, but be straight and just stand in front of the wall for a few minutes, that helped me when I had that problem. Also massage the point where it hurts while standing straight.

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I am sorry if i umm... Disturbed someone with this. But it clearly says Lounge Off topic room and hell i am posting whatever i like... If i needed professional help i would go to doctor xD


And... :D


Sepherrose (sorry if spelled wrong :) ) Yes it is probably sleep but it's same pain in the neck every morning ...

CommanderCrazy i removed all the pillows now :/ It's much better :)

lv000 i have some problems with my spine too... So now when i removed pillows i am sleeping much better :) My bed is soft itself B|

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If your bed is too soft that can lead to back pains. One solution is to put a piece of plywood under your mattress. Another is to sleep on the floor. :tongue:


I'll take that advice...Thank you :)

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Question. How many pillows do you sleep with?

(I ask because this EXACT problem happened to me. Its 2 little triangular nerves in your neck, and if they are bent funny for ages, like if you sleep with 2+ pillows, a temporary stiffness and pain can occur)


I sleep with like 5 pillows....

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