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Busy Water Ways


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Well, at least ships will be docked at ports. As for pirates, we can only hope. :)


I was going to post the essact same link!

Anyway, I somehow doubt they'll make sailable ships. How would you sail them? Order the crew around as captain or sail them with movement keys as in e.g. Pirates of the Burning Sea? Neither would work very well if you ask me. Though I could easely see them create sailing as with the ships in Morrowind, were they take you to different locasion through a loading screen.

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no bodies of water? apparently people havent been looking at the north side of the landmass...

but yea... idk why there are no boats, its in Nordic history that they are good sailors, or so I hear.

I got this info at UESPWiki.

Nords are also natural seamen, and have benefited from nautical trade since their first migrations across the sea from Atmora. They captain and crew the merchant fleets of many regions, and may be found all along Tamriel's coasts.

So yes, it make sense to have boats in Skryim, maybe not necessarily sailing in the water, but still at ports. :thumbsup:

I recall seeing many Nord sailors in Morrowind. Or is that just my mind playing tricks on me. Point is, even though they are good sailors, that doesn't mean they'll be sailing around Skyrim too much. In fact why else would one become a sailor than to get away from their home for a while. I think. Maybe. Oh my, what a convoluted mess of words I've conjured up here.

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While I think sailing in the sense of what OP is looking for is unrealistic at the moment, it could be kinda cool to have the ability to hop on board at a port and be on a ship going up the coast or river. It's something that could be entirely automated and follow set patterns on the rivers and seas. Hell, maybe you could even board one of these while swimming, if they'd be willing to pick you up. Although crew members would be marked as essential, it could provide good opportunity for sneaky characters to loot some of the cargo. If spotted, they could throw you off the ship, straight into the water :D


It would basically be a slower, non-loading-screen version of fast travelling. Kinda like being on a horse, only quite a bit faster and probably only accessing larger towns/cities. Just an idea, though :P

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I really want to be able to purchase a ship that you can actually sail, and have to buy crew for. Would be cool i think sailing around hiding in caves n stuff. You could be like a travelling merchant or pirate :pirate:

I would like to see more ships and or boats on the water being used not just anchored doing nothing. Anyone else think this is a good idea, and what else would you all like to see?


Post away! :turned:


Its already been confirmed that there will be no ships in Skyrim unfortunatley.



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