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The story of Jet and its relationship with the NCR


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Right so for those of you who dont know Jet was invited by an unknown man in New Reno. Well everyone whos played Fallout 2 knows who he is but Ron Perlman says we all forgot who he was after that. Basically while trying to grow things like shrooms and weed it was discovered that the slaves were getting high off the fumes from the vats of brahmin poo which they were using as fertilizer. A whole bunch of tests and 100 aught dead slaves later you got Jet!


Jet is basically condensed and purified brahmin fumes in an inhaler. Why brahmin poo acts like this is...poorly explained.


In the pre-War days, big meat companies had experimented with a cheap protein extract for growing food. However, the product had to be abandoned because any bacterial contamination (even from common skin bacterias) resulted in a complex reaction, ruining any meat and causing it to act like methamphetamine. To cut their losses, farmers fed the extract to their cattle.


From fallout wiki.


Not sure why this would effect later generations of cattle and later Brahmin but i guess the radiation caused some sort of mutation making the changes to the digestive system keep.


Yea a drug made from brahmin poo is incredibly cheap to make not to mention very profitable(Short duration, high addiction rate etc...) and pretty much every lasting community had brahmin as livestock so the poo wasnt in short supply thus it became extremely popular and spread all over at least to the east coast and became the mainstream drug of the post-apocalyptic era.


Later more purified versions were being made in small labs by some very talented chemists: Ultrajet and Rocket both made with a surfactant and some form of sweetener assumed to be artificial.



So remember the big Brahmin ranchers back in the NCR well here is what i think happened and is probably happening now:


Heck Gunderson(We will use him as a generic Brahmin rancher) has quite a lot of land and brahmin and discovers the recipe for Jet. Heck decides he can literally turn waste into money and starts manufacturing Jet using his large supply of raw materials. Heck also has a lot of money already and decides to use it to his advantage with the NCR senate and congress by stuffing a few pockets to make sure no attention to brought to his operation.


At first things go great but then Heck discovers that several small Jet labs are cutting down on his profit so he again turns to his friend in the NCR Senate. After stuffing a few pockets the Senate(or congress not sure.) passes a bill for a harsh crack down on drug dealers while continuing to keep his business from getting unwanted attention and tips the authorities off to all his small time competition creating a monopoly thanks to the blackmarket.


Things continue to go good for Mr. Gunderson with all the profits hes making off Jet but soon he finds more competition: another Big Brahmin Ranch owned by Walter Phebus. Mr. Gunderson however cant do his regular route of using threats to get Phebus to sell his ranch after all Mr Phebus has quite a lot of power backing him and thus the drug war insues...



Honestly Jet is probably why the Brahmin ranchers in NCR are so powerful and why so much farming land is being taken over by Brahmin ranches. The likelihood of this happening is...well is guaranteed im sure considering the fact we already know NCR is corrupt and the Brahmin Kings are the ones really calling the shots. Im sure that if you did find yourself in the NCR youd find it ravaged by drugs.


Another reason not to side with the NCR. Also reminds me of how after someone invaded Afghanistan it started churning out 80% of the world opium supply. Nothing to see here move along. :armscrossed:

Edited by ModelV
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Pretty cool article. Who would have thought Brahim poop was useful? :biggrin:
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Makes sense, but I dont see it as a reason not to side with NCR, drug use is the same as alcohol if you want to use it thats fine if you do it responsibly. Its a profit crop same as brahmin and any other crop really. As for the NCR being corrupt, no, its exactly what a democracy is, its controlled by its people. This whole big business is bad thing was old in the 60s.
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The NCR is corrupt but the problem is that the Legion is made of psychos who treat women like cattle. They may frown on drugs they are sadistic freaks who crucify people for fun.


That being said one should keep in mind the shady dealings that the NCR had with New Reno back in Fallout 2.


In any case the OP makes an interesting case linking Brahmin ranchers to Jet production. We don't know this for sure but it's a possibility. Also it's funny that Jet became known in the East and also that the new Jet in Fallout 3 and FNV is clearly not as addictive as the original stuff Myron made.


Back in the days dealing with Jet addiction was no joke. ;)

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Anyway its not whether or not drug use can be accaptible its the fact that Chems are illegal in the NCR and the guys who really control the NCR are probably swimming in drug money


The NCR is corrupt but the problem is that the Legion is made of psychos who treat women like cattle. They may frown on drugs they are sadistic freaks who crucify people for fun.That being said one should keep in mind the shady dealings that the NCR had with New Reno back in Fallout 2. In any case the OP makes an interesting case linking Brahmin ranchers to Jet production. We don't know this for sure but it's a possibility. Also it's funny that Jet became known in the East and also that the new Jet in Fallout 3 and FNV is clearly not as addictive as the original stuff Myron made. Back in the days dealing with Jet addiction was no joke. ;)


Actually the Legion are not psychos or sadists. They kill and crucify people by order not "for fun" you see if the drug dealer isnt on the cross you are.


Cruxification is a very effective psychological warfare tool you see.


Also you may be forgetting you have 2 other factions to side with besides NCR and Legion. :whistling:

Edited by ModelV
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