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What Causes These Graphical Glitches?


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Good luck with your re-installation. My only advice is try to get handy with Wrye Bash and BAIN installation. It gives you a whole lot more control over your mods (and lots of other benefits).


Thanks AnimalRiot, I do use Wrye Bash (294) but not BAIN. And I'd like to add the installation went well, although not flawlessly. But everything's working as expected now....well almost. It's just a small issue I was wondering if you'd know about. The Mystic Emporium is never open in my new game. The way I found out is, the usual customers are always waiting outside and upon investigation I find the door is always locked during business hours. Any ideas what would cause this?


One other thing (a bit off topic though), my new installation allows me a chance to start a new character which I want to put through the dark brotherhood quests. Any tips for a newb to the dark side?

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Do you have Battlehorn Castle loaded. Your Mystic Emporium bug could be the one introduced by Battlehorn.


Yep. So Battlehorn is the culprit eh? I like BH as a castle, but I always thought it was a little buggy. Is there anything I can do about it... besides removing it?

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The UESPWiki has more info in the Mystic Emporium bugs section. You can get a bit more info on it in the bugs section on Aurelinwae's Wiki page. It boils down to the Unofficial Official Mods patch being the only fix outside the console fix outlined in the Mystic Emporium page. Edited by Striker879
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The UESPWiki has more info in the Mystic Emporium bugs section. You can get a bit more info on it in the bugs section on Aurelinwae's Wiki page. It boils down to the Unofficial Official Mods patch being the only fix outside the console fix outlined in the Mystic Emporium page.


Funny, I've always had the UOMP installed along with the UOP & UOPS?! So, I deactivated it and reinstalled UOMP and no change. I even tried the new 'Installer' 1.5 version but the ME's doors are still locked at 3:32PM! I use (see load order beginning thread) Obmm for Omods, BOSS, for load ordering, and Wrye Bash's bashed patch. Obviously I've missed something somewhere, any other ideas?

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The only other thing that comes to mind is that if you've already been there before applying the UOMP the door state is recorded in the savegame. I know that some load door info is persistent in the savegame. I edited my copy of Aranmathi Ayleid Home (changed the elevation of the exterior to get the water out of the stairwell) but the load door is still at the old elevation in my old character's savegames (unless I go back to a save from prior to installing the mod I guess ... haven't tested that) but in the CS and in a new game the door position is at the edited elevation.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The only other thing that comes to mind is that if you've already been there before applying the UOMP the door state is recorded in the savegame. I know that some load door info is persistent in the savegame. I edited my copy of Aranmathi Ayleid Home (changed the elevation of the exterior to get the water out of the stairwell) but the load door is still at the old elevation in my old character's savegames (unless I go back to a save from prior to installing the mod I guess ... haven't tested that) but in the CS and in a new game the door position is at the edited elevation.


Been a while test/playing my new game and trying to fix this problem to no avail. I can't get the ME door to act normally. But to answer your Q. about being there before applying the UOMP patch... I can't see how that's possible as I installed all the patches before starting my game in my previous install. I can't even recall noticing this problem before in my previous setup, as I hardly ever go into the place and I don't ever recall seeing costomers waiting outside either.


But now I've found another problem... I started a brand new game on this new re-install to go through the Dark Brotherhood quests for the 1st time. I've gotten up to being awarded Shadowmare and started riding around Cyrodiil. The problem is when I try to dismount, I can't for at least 2-mins - camera and player are frozen. It's spoiling my game when I'm chased by enemies, because I daren't get off to fight and must keep running until Shadwmare gets exhausted (from fatigue mod). Any ideas on this one? I was wondering if they're related?


EDIT: Okay, I've learned this isn't related to my horse it happened to my character running to my next dead drop. All of a sudden I stop dead and can't move in any direction and I only have up down camera movement. Had to load a previous save to correct without re-incident. Clearly a random event but don't have a clue what causes it.

Edited by NexusKnight
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