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Mods going to wrong place


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when ever i save a mod in the kit. It saves it in a virtual drive under /Users/AppData/ when i go to load them with the mod manager it asks to move them back i click on yes. They remain as temp files with a lock on them. And eventuall they seem to disapear if not error and delete themselves. I really hate getting far in a mod then loosing it all for sumthing i cant controll. any ideas
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You may have installed Oblivion in C:\Program Files\, which is a bad idea for those using Windows Vista and Windows 7, since the UAC will keep interfering with you adding and changing files in that folder. I suggest you install Oblivion in another place like C:\Games\ or better yet in another hard drive not hosting your operating system.
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In Vista/Win7 when you are the administrator - you are NOT the real administrator. UAC is the real admin.

By installing the game in the default 'program files' folder, you give admin control over to Windows UAC.


UAC thinks most mods are malware and blocks them from being used - without bothering to tell you - after all, Microsoft knows what is best for you. :rolleyes:


You can disable UAC, but that leaves a back door open for real malware. Best solution - uninstall the game and reinstall it outside of the program files folders where UAC will not bother it. - Just moving the game will not work.

ALL of my games are installed to a seperate games folder each with it's own subfolder.

My preferred location is C:\Games\game_name - Oblivion is in C:\Games\Oblivion. Even steam is there as C:\Games\Steam - and steam recognizes that location and automatically uses it - instructions for moving steam are included in the uninstall/reinstall.


Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the WIKI section of the Nexus



It allows you to preserve any saves and mods, or remove them completely - your choice.

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