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Floating head on PC after reloading


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Edit: Sorry in advance, already posted once, but might be in the wrong section, not really so sure whether this is mod or just DA related, feel free to delete if...erm... one of it is in the wrong place.




I would be really gratefull for any help here, or at least some sort of suggestion. Wanted to play DA for a chage, but I have encoutered a strange bug.

When I create a new character, I can play and look just fine, but anytime I reload fro ANY saved game, my PCs head disappears and I get elf-female-preset-1 head floating way above my body (Happens for all female chars, all races, males seem to be working ok tho).




Also, while male characters seem to work just fine, when I play Darkspawn chronicles, my poor darkspawn's head also disappears and the elf female preset 1 appears inside of it's chest with the face looking out from the chest plate, creepy).


I really don't know what might be causing it, but my guess is, that some mod conflicts with patch, because last time I played DA, everything was fine, today, I changed no mods, but installed Lelianas song and Darkspawn chronicles (and I guess it downloaded patch along the way).


Anyone ever seen that? Any idea what might be causing it?

If anyone knows, I would really be in your debt.


Thanks in advance,


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To add to what Thing said, if you have installed any cosmetic mods in your override you might encounter conflicts with the chargen files. There is a mod (I will look up the name and a link) which will meld all of the chargenxml files (usually supplied with each cosmetic mod) into the one, and only one, allowed chargen file. It is pretty slick, simple and effective.


I hope that this is your problem.



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Codifer: The compiler, I have that :)


As for the mods, well, I noticed my override was incredible mess with way too many files, so after a lot of convincing (You know how bad it is to find ALL the mods if you are used to having a hell lot of them, eh) I just cleaned, deleted, uninstaled and reinstaled everything, ran the game without any mods and... ouch, after saving and loading game, -the- head was there again. Female chars only, Player character only (campanions and NPCs all ok), no matter where or what clothes. And yeah, the darkspawn still got the head in it's body.

So I activated and deactivated all the offic content I have, and found out that without Leliana's song, it's all ok, no weird heads... If i turn it on again tho, it all get's messy again. Guess that fixes it, but I still wonder what the case is here. Not mods as it seems.

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Not sure if it's what's happening here, but a Human facemorph on an Elf body model will get that gap, since the placement of each is controlled independently. A human head needs to be "so" high, but an Elf body is only "so -1/4" high. :unsure:
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I also have a young ton of mods, both override and addin. I also experienced a great many problems with the "Leliana's Song" DLC. I thought at the time that it may have been due to the patching..... v1.03 vrs v1.04. I still don't know. I did a great deal of research about Lel's Song and read of numerous problems..... none of which were the ones that I was experiencing. Glad to hear that you may have it sorted.


Electrons are funny.



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Not sure if it's what's happening here, but a Human facemorph on an Elf body model will get that gap, since the placement of each is controlled independently. A human head needs to be "so" high, but an Elf body is only "so -1/4" high. :unsure:


Well, it happens on all females, even dwarf one (That one is especially freaky) and to be honest, I can't figure out why on all races (1), only on player char (2), what darkspawn has to do with all female characters (3) and why it always gets replaced by elf preset (4) :D


But I guess it's ok as long as I turn Leliana off, so I guess that's it. For now anyway.



EDIT... (brand new problem, yay)


Well, isn't THAT amazing, now when that's finally over (somehow), I'm getting a glitch on ALL my saves, new ones, and even the "years" old ones, where I can't selct any party, because party select screen only shows my hchar from above and nothing else (http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/220451-i-cant-change-my-party/ - obviously left unresolved)...


I wonder if anyone didn't hear about any fix for that? Just deleteing eveything I ever did around DA sounds a bit harsh.



Just on a side... Interesting how I have tenths of mods, but never had any problem, but when I actually get official content I can't play it without making my chars look like warped Fade-freaks and when I install oficial patch it breaks ALL my saved games (and half of mods got killed too, naturally) and as it seems, can't be repaired.

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Sorry you're having these sorts of issues, elvinkun. :confused:


I have ALL the DLC. I already had all but "The DLC that Must Not Be Named" through the in-game d/l channel, then got the UE so I have 100% now, and about 1.6GB of mods (29 currently installed and active. I use DAO-Modmanager.) And I have NEVER had the problems you're describing. I, too, have heard about some issues with LS (and WH) behaving strangely. But in all cases the solution was to disable/remove a particular mod; a different one, depending on the specific problem.

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Well, looked around here and the Bio-erm-EA forums and it seems like this particular thing has nothing to do with DLCs or mods, it's simply an error caused by installing the last patch, which occurs "Sometimes for some reason" (I think that was actually statement of support dept.) and as for solution, people suggest not installing any new patches ever. Weird stuff *cough*


Just on a sidenote, I haven't played for like a half year, now I want to return, downloaded all the patches and DLCs I haven't been using before...And that's where those problems came, I'm not having them ALL the time :D


Well, I'll try to ask bio support about LS, it seems that this also occures for quite a few people in many different forms (Ie, person saying the same as I did, just with male characters only) and the only solutions offered were always to deactivate LS again.


As for The DLC that Must Not Be Named ... Is that the Witch Hunt? I heard it's a bit... not too good, haven't played it myself yet tho. Also starting another new game. I hope this time everything will work... If not, I'm burning my DA copy and getting a cough-pirated-cough one, those ALWAYS work with less problems than retail :D

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