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A good moveto script for making repeating, linear-path vehicles?


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Currently trying to figure out a good vehicle script for when a player enters a certain worldspace. Not sure if I needed a trigger, but I made one anyway for when the player enters the worldspace through a door. Then that trigger is referencing the initially disabled activator with the vehicle model. The trigger plays host to the actual script.


I would very much perfer to have the activator hold the script, however.


scn flyingCarRepeat

ref hoverCar
short vx
short vy
short vz

Begin Gamemode

set vx to hoverCar.getpos x
set vy to hoverCar.getpos y
set vz to hoverCar.getpos z

if vy < 3000
set vy to vy + 1
hoverCar.setpos Y vy

else if vy >= 3000
hoverCar.setpos X vx
hoverCar.setpos Y vy
hoverCar.setpos Z vz


Begin OnTriggerEnter

set hoverCar to GetLinkedRef



I can almost guarantee that this doesn't work. I haven't messed with it too much. I'm just posting that code so one would have an idea for what I'm trying to do, which is simple for the most part.

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My apologies! It turns out that the script does work! And quite efficiently if I must say. Still, my question remains, for I still need to add features like timed, random activation and the activator running even when the player leaves and re-enters the cell.


Thanks, however, for the info.

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