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Skyrim already causing me problems


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I have been feeling really weird lately , so I went to the dr and the dr told me I have a lot of stress and/ anxiety. Then he asked me if there was anything that was making me worried . I said no . Then he asked me iS there any thing making you excited . I said he'll yes a game I have been waiting like 5 years for is coming out in November he said oh you mean skyrim . So I got excited and started blabing on about it. He then told me ok I know your problem your way to excited my advice is chill out it's just a gamej I'm causing my self to much anxiety thinking about it to much. He told me to read a book or find a hobby to take my mind off of it then he subscribed me some meds to calm me down. When I got home I was thinking to my self I have had the same dr for 11 years and I cane to the conclusion this dr is a quack........



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