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Fighting on Horseback


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I apologize if this was already discussed, but can anyone confirm or deny if we have the ability to fight on horseback?


Example: I'm riding my horse along a path minding my own business when a pack of wolves come over and start nipping at my feet (and my poor horses feet). Do I have to stop, dismount then fire a spell at them or can I fire a spell sitting right on top of the horse?

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Its not confirmed .. by who? .. Todd said early on that he wanted it in the game but he also said that he wasn't sure about puting horses in .. Thats hardly confirmed... do you have a quote I havn't seen?

Here's one of the sources:



I remember Todd himself saying there won't be horse combat in one of the gameplay/interview videos.



It's this one, at 07:45:



Edited by Iv000
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Although I bow my head in disappointment I don't care that much. I won't ride horses that much anyway. Hell I probably won't even fast travel because the landscapes so beautiful. :thumbsup:
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I would be good if they had implemented horseback combat like Mount and Blade, too charge at or enemy with sword sweeping at their heads. Though I suppose if area's are dense enough and difficult to traverse, it'll probably be easier to just walk. I actually would love some more activitied giving reason to be on horseback, some horse racing or jousting mini games perhaps
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