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So.....did anyone else think the 'Divide' meant the Grand Cany


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When I first heard of the Divide, I was awed.


It was a veritable wasteland. There were no towns or people in the area, there were murderous robots.


There was no sunshine, only eternal lightning storms and gale force winds.


No-one who was sane ever went through there.


But the only mystery left was exactly where it was.


Now at first since down here in Australia we've pretty much only heard of Mt Rushmore, New York, San Fran and the Grand Canyon.


I honestly thought that Lonesome Road would take place in the Grand Canyon area. AKA what I thought would have been the divide.



And to be honest you could pretty much have the exact same events that happened to Ashton and Hopeville, take place there as well.


Except you may have to replace the NCR with tribals, or even Midwestern Brotherhood. (I fear I just lost my grip on geography there.)


But yeah.


So what do you guys reckon?

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well, for me, the Grand Canyon seemed like the last place where The Divide could be

for starters, the Grand Canyon was already mentioned in the history of Joshua Grahams (AKA The Burned Man), which is related to Honest Hearts, so i thought they wouldn't use it for anything that isn't related to Joshua

also, after hearing what characters had to say about The Divide, it sounded like a place that was once calm, or even beautiful, that was suddenly torn apart

now, as much as the Grand Canyon is beautiful, it is already a split earth, so it's not that it became so through some sort of devastating event or anything

that is pretty much why i didn't think it was the Grand Canyon

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well, all i stated was my opinion


yeah, it could have been great to see The Divide in the Grand Canyon, but i would find it hard to believe that there will be a settlement inside the Grand Canyon


besides, i think they would have had a really hard time explaining the events were they to take place in the Grand Canyon

like, how can you explain a giant missile base under the canyon??

probably not something easy to explain (or something reasonable to build, as a canyon is probably the worst case for a missile base)


so all in all, yeah, Lonesome Road is great where it is and how it is

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As is told in the dlc, the divide was just a town

( with a nuclear base ;) ) some where west of the

mojave, in fact it was a pre war city called ashton.


When the courier brought the copy of ed-e to the town he had created in ashton ( called the divide ) it awakend the nuclear boms in the silos of the US millitary base of hopeville, located by ashton.


The boms couldnt get out of their silos and started to detonate beneath asthon, what resulted in massive earht quakes who cracked the ground and created the canyons. Ashton tumbled into those canyons, thus forming the divide as we know it.

Edited by mrlordfinder
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