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Mod problem


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Hi Everybody;


I have a problem about the mods.

When I start the install mod to my pc.

My data files became like a trash some time star playin a game some cracters show twice in the game.



and mor mod means mor lag and slow computer speed.



How can I manage my my morrowind files? Pls somebody help me :help:

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MAke sure you open the morrowind launcher not the morrowind.exe..

Then you should see some options pop up

It is kinda like an autorun when you insert a CD.

Then click on "Data Files"..Then you should see a "avtivating" window. Double-click on the plug-in(s) on the right side that you want in the game to be activated.

Ofcourse, some plug-ins need you to start a new game, or some of the functions in that plu-in won't work.


Did I make myself clear enuph ?


EDIT: Becouse of the duplicate characters...I got that once. I think it was because I had two versions of a plug-in activated, or if it was a bug or something that it didn't reset when I saved the game, and playing without the plug-in for a while.

and then activating it again?!

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Duplicate NPCs tend to be caused by either:


A: Two ESPs with the same NPC data in them running at the same time.


B: A save game that has had the plugin in it, saved, deactivated plugin, saved again, then had the plugin activated again. Something like that. Basically, try not to disable any plugins your save runs on if at all possible, or it may cause odd things to happen when reactivated. :P I think it's because a certain amount of plugin data is saved to the savegame itself... or something.


Am I making any sense here? :D

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Hey forget about my english


I don't wanna try explain again this case


Because I did that before at the ex forum ok.


Now What abaut the mod manage ?



Ex-users can remember this topic maybe.


And another point ennglish not basic rule for this forum

Basic is only Morrowind world and be morrowind fan.

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