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What classes will you create


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shamans wear leather, not mail


They do after the lvl40...


I would make a Dark Knight Character.


Using Twohands weapons(preferably swords) with a mix of Destruction,Conjuration and Alteration magic,with Heavy armor.


By the way is there a wiki with a (non exhaustif) liste of the magics and what they are now doing?,curious to see if there is a possibility to plan a bit ahead.

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Lucien LaCroix - An honest to god Breton adventurer. Closest fantasy class is a bard. A small amount of magic, light armor, alchemy, stealth, and weapon training. As well as a suave demeanor to get folks liking me. Descendant of my Oblivion character, Alistair LaCroix. Who was pretty much the same.


Can't wait for this game!

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I know that with the coming of skyrim bethesda has done away with the set classes, but with the new content such as dual weilding, i was curious as to the kind of characters people were planning on playing. I was planning on playing a shaman, dual weilding maces and utilizing destruction spells using, wearing leather or chain mail armor. So just let people know what kind of weaponry your class will use, the armor, name, and any other information pertaining to your class that you would like to throw in.


11/11/11 FTW!


I like the Dunmer and have consistently played as one, so I'll probably end up being a Dunmer assassin in Skyrim. I'll probably feel out the different skills and abilities, and see what works best for my protagonist (but I think I'll likely lean towards stealth skills). I might go with light armor. Likely become a vampire (unless becoming one is as problematic as it was in Morrowind).

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