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Need help figuring out what is causing the crashes


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(couldn't really find a solution through google so I kinda had to ask here)


so far (as far as I can tell) it will crash every time I try to open/load through a door in


---Dunbarrow Cove, not sure which doors exactly but at least the captain 1, when I try to go back outside and another 1 somewhere near the captain's one


and I also can't get into Lord Rugdumph's Estate



here are my mods




Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm


CM Partners.esm

Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp


Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp




Symphony of Violence.esp

Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp

Sunlit Interiors 1.31.esp

Purge Cell Buffers - Loading.esp





alllll61-Saint Silver armor.esp

alllll61s-blueness lion armor.esp


Silverlight Armor by Jojjo.esp

Slof's Horses Base.esp











Real Lava 1.3.esp

100% Harvest Chance.esp



2nd to 1st person.esp

UV Vanilla Quest Fixes.esp





Deadlier Sneaking 1.1.esp



Enhanced Grabbing.esp

Archery Rebalance.esp


CM Partners.esp

Moonshadow Elves - Sc.esp

Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp



CM Partners NPC.esp

CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp



Companion Neeshka.esp

Ramy Enfant.esp



Visually Enchanted Fire 3.esp

Visually Enchanted Frost 3.esp

Visually Enchanted Shock 2.esp







and while I'm at it I may as well ask, for some reason sometimes I'd see that yellow thing that- I think has an exclamation mark sticking out of Alval Uvani's arm, so I was wondering if anyone knows anything about that too

Edited by Seviraph
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The yellow thing is a missing mesh. You have a mod installed wrong, so that the computer can't find the shield, weapon, or piece of clothing on Alval Uvani's arm. Missing meshes often crash Oblivion. The computer looks so hard for things that are not there that the program crashes. Kind of like in an old science fiction movie where the hero asks the evil robot a hard question and it freezes up and smoke starts coming out of its ears. You likely have a ton of missing meshes in the areas where you have CTD problems.


See if you can figure out which mod that you installed edits these areas, and then examine the compressed downloaded file to make sure the directory structure in your Oblivion\Data folder is exactly the same. Adjust as needed.

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The yellow thing is a missing mesh. You have a mod installed wrong, so that the computer can't find the shield, weapon, or piece of clothing on Alval Uvani's arm. Missing meshes often crash Oblivion. The computer looks so hard for things that are not there that the program crashes. Kind of like in an old science fiction movie where the hero asks the evil robot a hard question and it freezes up and smoke starts coming out of its ears. You likely have a ton of missing meshes in the areas where you have CTD problems.


See if you can figure out which mod that you installed edits these areas, and then examine the compressed downloaded file to make sure the directory structure in your Oblivion\Data folder is exactly the same. Adjust as needed.


thanks for the reply, I've reinstalled Oblivion + mods about 3 times now cause of certain problems that arise, each time I removed some unncessary mods, etc so

I've made sure to install them correctly


and most of these mods add to the game rather than replace anything that already exists in it so it's hard for me to figure out what exactly is causing missing meshes


the only big "mod" I've installed that I think may have done something to the meshes would be QTP3Redimized, but otherwise I don't really have a clue where to start


some more help would be appretiated


edit: also it doesn't make much sense to me when the Dunbarrow Cove crash happens after I go in to the captain's.. room? and killed the skeleton and go back out, then it crashes

because I crashed there, I decided to avoid it for abit and look around and that's where I ran into another crash

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Missing meshes usually come from things that add to the game, not from replacers that edit meshes in the game.


One possibility with the bad meshes is that you actually have a bad buggy mod. Some mod authors don't know what they are doing and upload mods that are packaged wrong and will give you missing meshes even if you install them exactly like you are instructed to. But this option should only be considered after you are sure that you installed the mods correctly according to standard procedures and the readme files.


Other diagnostic methods are not getting you anywhere, so you probably ought to disable half of your mods and play-test. If the result is good, you know the bad mod or mod combination is in the half of the mods which are disabled. Enable half of your disabled mods and play-test. If the result is good, enable half of the still disabled mods. Continue on in this fashion to isolate the bad mod or mods.


If during a play-test, things are still bad, disable half of your remaining mods. Play-test again.


Keep doing steps like these over and over until you have isolated and deleted all the bad mods or mods that create severe conflicts. Then you will have a stable load order and can get back to playing for fun.

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Instead or reinstalling every time you have a problem. Use this to troubleshoot and find the real problem.


Bben's Oblivion Revert to Vanilla game




1. Revert to vanilla. Then, make a back up of the new data folder and save it in a different folder.

2. using the reverted game - be sure to test in the area where you have the problem

3. Add a mod you suspect may be causing the problem - test

4. Add another mod that you suspect - test

5. When you do find the mod, either fix that mod, or remove it and test again

6. If you ever reach a point where you are lost - replace the current data folder with a copy of the saved one.

7. Once you have fixed the problem - reinstall all of your mods and test to be sure it really is fixed.


When you have a stable working game, make a backup copy of the data folder that you can revert to when you have a problem.


This may help with backup copies. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35263 :thumbsup:

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LOL omg I think I got lucky


I unchecked "Purge Cell Buffers - Loading.esp"on my first guess and it doesn't crash at the Estate anymore, I mean I haven't tried Dunbarrow Cove yet, but I get the feeling it will have the same effect


thanks for all the replies everyone (.. well just 2 people, but yeah)


o and last thing, any tips to prevent corrupt saves? that was my last major problem that got me to reinstall everything to make sure it wasn't the mods etc (and had to start over cause of it)


edit: o well I haven't checked the mesh thing if it affected it or not, but it's a really small problem compared to the crashing anyways

Edited by Seviraph
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On the corrupt save issue, always save using the Esc key menu (not QuickSave) and don't overwrite a previous save. Only load from an AutoSave when necessary (if you leave that option enabled ... I do because sometimes I've forgotten to save in a while and don't want to redo too much). The other reliable save method is using the console for named saves (the command is 'save <MySaveName>' without the quote marks or arrows). A lot of people use Streamsave, I personally don't. I used to have pretty regular crashes to desktop back when I Quicksaved and overwrote my old saves. It took a while, but once I started using this 'cleaner' save method my crashes are so seldom that I've gotten used to not saving frequently (which sometimes leads to me needing to load an Autosave). Crashes are a 'feature' of the game, but frequent crashes aren't a 'required feature'.
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On the corrupt save issue, always save using the Esc key menu (not QuickSave) and don't overwrite a previous save. Only load from an AutoSave when necessary (if you leave that option enabled ... I do because sometimes I've forgotten to save in a while and don't want to redo too much). The other reliable save method is using the console for named saves (the command is 'save <MySaveName>' without the quote marks or arrows). A lot of people use Streamsave, I personally don't. I used to have pretty regular crashes to desktop back when I Quicksaved and overwrote my old saves. It took a while, but once I started using this 'cleaner' save method my crashes are so seldom that I've gotten used to not saving frequently (which sometimes leads to me needing to load an Autosave). Crashes are a 'feature' of the game, but frequent crashes aren't a 'required feature'.


so would it be ok if I delete an old save then made a new one?

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When my list of old saves gets too long I'll delete a bunch, but the game will save to \Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves in Vista and Win 7 (and in \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves for old Win XP dinosaurs like me) which is located on your C drive. My C drive is 138Gb with 118Gb of free space. I have separate hard disks for programs and games so other than a few utilities that like being installed on C drive and my Oblivion saves not much uses up that free space ... consequently I don't clean house very often. I just did a check and I have over 1200 saves at the moment. Maybe I shouldn't wait for spring to get out the broom!


I'd suggest keeping some old saves as a fall back for if you run into trouble after installing a mod for example. You probably don't need to be a packrat like me however.

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