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Invincible Boomer

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Alright, so I was just wandering around the wastes when I wound up at the Nellis AFB gate, just past the bombed-out town. There where 2 guards; 1 was killed easily, but the other was... much harder.


This "invincible" NPC was a generic Boomer with Airforce T-75 power armor (I assume added by Project Nevada), who was immune to all conventional damage like:


-Several magazines of Anti-Materiel Rifle AP fire


-A Esther-launched Big Kid at point blank range


-Dozens of critical hits from the Saturnite Fist Super Heated


-The combined firepower of Marcus, Joshua graham, Raul, and 2 Deathclaws. For several minutes.


The real kicker, though, was that this Superman was immune to the console! I attempted to kill him several times with it, to no avail.



Restarting hasn't helped, apparently Chuck Norris is a Boomer, and he refuses to succumb to normal game logic.


So has anyone else had a similar problem, or have I caused this somehow?

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It is mod related. Some versions of creature mods (sadly I don't remember which ones) attribute invincibility to one or two random creatures. Try saving and reloading, it may help. Or go to some place without respawnable creatures (any player house will do) and wait for 73 hours. Cells reset after 72 hours, so when you wait 73 and go back it may turn out that Chuck Boomer is not invulnerable anymore.
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