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things you found weird about cyrodiil


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every person is born all grown up in a prison


the emperor is escaping by going in the sewers and having only 3 guards with lame armor-i guess its too much trouble to go save our emperor by escaping via the normal gates with a an army of palace guards-nooo we are too busy walking here and there,killing each other to save our beloved emperor


mankar camoran and manimarco are supposed to be some of Tamriel's most powerful wizards and bosses and yet,they are wusses-you can practically kil them with a hit or three


Vicente Valtieri is supposed to be an assassin like his fellow "brothers",so how can he assasinate while using a bulky claymore and waering clothes instead of actual assassin armour like the rest of the DB


If the DB entrance is supposed to be a secret,what's stopping a random person (even a guard) to go to the basement(out of curiosity) and see the door-I mean all you do is go to the basement,see a hole in the wall,notice a odd red light,go there and BINGO the so called "secret" DB entrance


You can slaughter a guy's kids (too bad there isnt such a thing as a kid)his wife,friends and family and just a few gold coins and your BBA(best buds always)


Guards kill other guards more than they kill monsters,bandits....etc-and they do simply because they cant decide which one gets the meat when they are hunting a deer or some other critter


your armor and weapon can be broken but you wont see a scratch on it.


at anvil bay you hear seagulls but you never actualy see one


[i'd say more but im too lazy]

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the emperor's escape puzzles me more the more I think about it.

We assume he started in the palace (otherwise what was he doing in the prison anyway? Does he like to watch interrogations or something?) So to get from the palace to the prison, he has to travel A) down the streets through the market district, or B) through the rat/goblin/bandit/vampire infested sewers from the palace to the market district or a sewer exit to the river; then across the bridge to the prison, down into the dungeon, etc. And then after all that, and ducking through the catacombs and the sewers, he finally comes out at the riverside where presumably he plans to climb into a rowboat, row up to the landing by Fort Empire, then travel the dangerous road past a bandit den all the way up to Cloud Ruler Temple.


I find it strange that you can't find any skooma in Cloud Ruler Temple, even though the folks who planned this escape were clearly dedicated to the stuff.

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Yep, thats commercialization does for games, a nice, overly simplified, unrealistic tutorial. that ISNT optional. nice.



But yeah gd point Tungol, where was he even going??


If he did go down the sewers, armed with only 2 Blades, and one female blade who dies after getting slashed once.

How were they going to travel for hours al the way thru the mountains to Bruma, infested with all manner of creature and bandit, those blades wouldnt last 2 seconds out there.


Plus, the emerors 87(?) right? How can barely make it out of bed let alone a hike half way across Cyrodiil.



A heavily armed guard carrying the emporer by horseback would have been morelike it, with the assassins on Shadowmeres slashing at the side of his transport

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True, true.


Wouldnt say "easily escorted" tho lol


Maybe using fast travel, getting Martin to cloud Ruler unharmed was possibly the hardest thing iv ever done. Since he wont get on a horse, and runs like a lepper. lol


But yeah good point Simon, they dont actually say where hes going, only that CRT is the emporers hideout.... would be the obvious choice for assassins to attack....

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If he did go down the sewers, armed with only 2 Blades, and one female blade who dies after getting slashed once.

How were they going to travel for hours al the way thru the mountains to Bruma, infested with all manner of creature and bandit, those blades wouldnt last 2 seconds out there.

Well, there really isn't enough information given to make a judgement. Maybe they left with more, but those three were the only ones that made it.

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