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Geck keeps deleting my mods


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Well, are you sure the file you're modifiing isn't read only? Someone might do that, to make their mods a bit "harder" to mod :D

Perhaps try to save it under a different name, as a new file?


Edit: Also you may try to open just some offic master file (The fallout.esm for example), change ie. name of one weapon and try to save it as a mod... And see if that gives you any error.

Edited by elvinkun
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Well, are you sure the file you're modifiing isn't read only? Someone might do that, to make their mods a bit "harder" to mod :D

Perhaps try to save it under a different name, as a new file?


Also you may try to open just some offic master file (The fallout.esm for example), change ie. name of one weapon and try to save it as a mod... And see if that gives you any error.

how would i go about saving it as a diferent name? there is no "Save as" button on the geck

Also could this be the problem (see attachments)

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I had the same problem and I fixed it by running geck as admin. Also, if it saves a plugin as .tes just rename it to .esp and it will work. Edited by Werne
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Hmm, yeah, good point, make sure you run it as admin on admin account, otherwise it may stop you from saving anything moded, ever.


To be honest, I am not sure, but have you tryied opening just the fallout.esm, changing name of anything and then saving? If that worked (and you were admin), it would prolly mean it's something with the files you're trying to mod.

Edited by elvinkun
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