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500 things you have learned in Oblivion


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736: People need to build their houses out of bread, not stone. Bread never breaks, but broken stones are everywhere!

737: Never worry about putting too many candles in your house, they'll never go out.

738: 'How's it going?' 'Go away!' is a normal conversation.

739: Every 3rd person you encounter is a member of something that wants to kills you.

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740: Claymores fit in jewelery boxes.

741: Blind monks instead of seeing see through there feet allowing them to tell when you take the elder scroll off the table.

742: Apparently the player is a fly according to an orc in leyawinn

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743: You can take a Sigil stone off the pedestal of fire and put it in your inventory...But if you drop it you cant move it around!(no decorating my house with flaming balls!!)


744: 4 Leggion soldiers can't take on the rest of the army at Kvatch


745: You never feel pain or get tired you can go for eons of fighing the same army and never feel a bit sleepy

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746: Pirates seem to have a deep hatred for those that simply stand on their ship.


747: The Imperial Legion seems not to care that they have pirates in their loading bay.

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750: No matter what everyone says, the last person to know you have a Nirnroot is always Sinderion.


751: Snowboarding (With a plate) down Dive Rock is entirely possible untill the plate flies off and you're re-united with the Adoring Fan who had (supposedly) attempted the same thing.


752: Given the nature of NPCs in Oblivion, if you gave Mehrunes Dagon enough gold he would stop trying to take over the world. That or offer to let you live.

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753-An evolutionary spike has occurred within fifty years, dreughs evolved to walk on land, mudcrabs grew more legs and claws, and dremoras and golden saints have advanced to a sentient level.


754-Never believe any books describing people or creatures. Mannimarco is not a lich!!!!!!!!!!! and spider daedra are not gigantic.

Edited by GodKingVivec
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