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500 things you have learned in Oblivion


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269: In modern terms, the population of Cyrodiil is small but in medieval European terms it's normal size
Even plagued cities were often in the 10,000s. Yet this entire province hasn't much over 2,000 and most of them are up to no good.


326: The population of Cyrodiil is tiny because the roads are too narrow for 2 trading carts to pass one another.

327: For no historical reason, Cyrodiil collapsed ages ago in to a ruinous medieval society with lax building standards and mundane architecture whilst a backwater like Morrowind still prospers at the height of an Imperial Empire.

328: Shooting 5 arrows through someone's head isn't enough to stop them talking to you and becoming your friend for life.

329: Nobody complains about the gaping holes in the landscape. No has heard of anyone falling through them.

330: Nobody complains about the islands that disappear when you get close to them.

331: No-one seems to gossip about the overly obvious nature of Skingrad's Count, not even in rival towns.

332: Oblivion gates seem to have popped up in the most arbitrary of places. Talk about a botched operation.

333: For all their ferocity, daedra dare not venture far beyond their Oblivion gates.

334: An weak escaped level 1 prisoner can walk straight to Kvatch, pass the guards and take down the Oblivion gate that's been vexing them for eons.

335: An agile player can ignore all Oblivion world barriers and skim across the lava straight to their desired destination.

336: Swimming through lava is healthier than fighting. You'll never be disfigured from it either.

337: There's no symbiotic relationship between you and the world; almost every wild animal will attack and fight to the death. No sense of self-preservation.

338: You can fix all weaponry and armour with a hammer. Presumably you repeatedly hit it so hard it heats up and melts.

339: Nobody gets physically damaged. They only die when their health count drops to 0.

340: In Tamriel there's always some megalomaniac trying to take over the world.

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340: In Tamriel there's always some megalomaniac trying to take over the world.


Judging from many of the mod requests, after the megalomaniac has been done away with, the next to step in line for the position of world-taker-overer would be the player.


"Wouldn't it be cool if you could be a Daedra lord AND the tenth divine? Or even all ten divines!!!" WTF? come on, people!!! :)

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342. You can spend your lifetime without sleeping once

343. None of the blacksmiths actually works. (Even in quite old games they were working and stopped as soon as you talk to them...)

344. All bandits do use light armor and blunt weapons. All marauders do use heavy armor and blade weapons. This means I play as a marauder.

345. There is a plenty of flora, but not a single fruit tree, but a lot of fruit is spread across Cyrodiil: apples, pears, oranges...

346. There are ingredients which come from nowhere: ironwood nut, Gingko leaf...

347. Even if you are Master Alchemist, you are not able to create a potion with immediate effect, only and always with effects over time.

348. Endurance does not play a part in determining how much weight you can carry. Only strength do.

349. Strength does not play a part in determining how good you are to draw a bow.

350. Nirnroot is similar to mar1juana ?!?


351. Bandit / marauders armors are much better than Jauffre one. (in fact, he died during Bruma siege... I was very sorry for that when I came out)

352. The siege machine coming out of the Great Gate is similar to a centipede. What would the Daedra

like to do with that ? And how it happens that no matter how long (short) does it take to you to

close the Great Gate, it will always blow up outside of it ?

353. Vampires do not feed, they behave the same as every other bandit / marauder.

354. Very few people travel among cities (I know there is a mod to fix that).

355. No one prays or put flowers at graves, except during a Daedric quest (Molag Bal, if I well remember)

356. In IC there is a ton of fly amanita along the streets, but still IC's alchemic vendors try to

sell their caps ! Hey, I'm not THAT stupid !

357. Potions and poisons you create, even when they are much better than the ones in store, have much less base value.

358. A silver dagger weights 5 and is 40 gold worth, while an urn weights 2 and is 5 gold worth. I am running home and melt all of my silverware into daggers and swords !

359. Glass is used to make only armors. Not a single drinking glass / bottle / window in all Cyrodiil.

360. It is good to put a candle upon wood furnitures, so I don't understand why my wife gets angry with me when I try to do that.


361. It is normal to leave meat, fruit and vegetables for months in the plates on the table, so even

here I don't understand why my wife gets angry with me when I try to do that.

362. In Cyrodiil they do not cook meat.

363. I cannot wear more than two rings at a time, even if I have ten fingers.

364. Musical instruments do not exist in Cyrodiil, but bards do, even if I have never seen one of

them. What they are supposed to play ? Piano, trumpet, harp, electrical guitar, drums, lids ?

365. Earrings do not exist in Cyrodiil.

366. I cannot put up two different gloves, or boots. I want the pleasure to wear one black and one blue sock !

367. Boars are much rarer than minotaurs.


What are you saying ? Should I stop ? Ok, will do.

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368: Just about everyone knows about Count Hassildor's secret nature. The way they behave as if it's a big secret (Including the "Filthy Creatures" comment made by just about anyone you ask about Vampires) is an elaborate sort of inside-joke.

369: People tend to copy the ideas before them on this list instead of thinking up new ones.

370: Considering someone else already mentioned this, so do I.

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