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500 things you have learned in Oblivion


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You know, we have actually missed 13 things, thanks to Wrath of Dread Guy.


It is on page 14, look:


Fozzie 69:

408. your player appears to be a mute who can say only these words rumors, imperial city, no, yes and resist arrest


409. an aroow will pass through 20 centimetered of other wordly armour through bone and flesh back through armor all without killing you


410. the only use for telekenisis is moving paintbrushes around


411. the painter outside anvil in the docks seems to paint for years on end without any progress or noticing the sun sets on the other side of the lighthouse


412. imps fall and die if they go over dive rock even though they have wings .. same with all other flying creatures


413. if peoples souls are in anothter plane their bodies are immortal


414.killing a guard then taking his armor wearing it then walking past a guard seems completely inconspicuous


415. if you sneak you cant place an item in a container untill you stand up


Wrath of Dreadguy:


429. Always read the last post carefully. wink.gif



Rather funny, I just noticed it, so we are actually up to 444, not 457.


So if you want to edit them... or we can keep going anyway, and celebrate slightly later, or just go back to 445 in this post, which gives me an idea, hmm, something interesting...



Here we go:


445: The Dark Brotherhood, one of the most ruthless guilds in Cyrodiil, has a pet rat called Schema, who is quite useful for stealth practice, and, in my opinion, cuter than the other rats.




446. OH MY GOD. I have to mention this. I just wandered into Cheydinhal, to go to the sanctuary, and who should assault me with his voice but Aldos Othran. If you haven't yet heard him, go, be shocked, listen to him sing horribly about cliffracers flying in the sky, then cut both your ears off. THIS SIMPLY CANNOT BE MISSED.

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Um... 454/447: Before taking on a high-risk, high-importance mission, Blades drink a highly unstable potion. While significantly improving their combat ability, they risk instant death if their stress levels get too high. This practice is abolished after Emperor Uriel Septim's death. Or, at least, nothing has (forseeably) had the importance to merit drinking one.
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459. Imagine if Goblins attack the Rat Lady's house, they will enjoy lots of tasty rat satays.


460. You have a metal detector, even better, molecular detector. Duck, approach the person you want to detect, press e, and you can view his inventory.


461. There are Supermen in the game, in the form of bandits and guards. They wear nothing at first and put their armor in a blink of an eye.


462. Some people worship Daedra for magic, some people worship Gods and Goddesses for miracles. You worship console.... for fun :sweat:


463: The only mirror is water..... of course, in third person view.


464: There are children... only you found them dead (this is the fact that the only children skeletons are located in Night Mother's crypt).


465: Telekinesis is useful. Not in the form of spell, but in the form of systematically written axis and numbers in console.


466: People buy spells. They don't learn :sweat:


467: You have spells, you scribe them, and you memorize them, but only applicable in Oblivion using the help of console. And the best spell you have is three consonant letters.

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Actually, there were a bunch of repeated numbers in there somewhere. I just continued as if the original posters had numbered them correctly. ;)

Whoops, sorry Dreadguy, I just took it as you being funny.


In which case, sigh, we are now up to 468, so the next poster, use that, not whatever I lead you to believe in the first place.


Sorry again,



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469. Although this is said to happen to rocks, amongst other things....you can drop fruits and melons but they just fall without splatting.


470. Wolves that are normally skittish around people will charge you.


471. Taking skins and meat from animals does not change the animals in appearance.


472. There are no garbage dumps in Cyraddil(sic).

Keep in mind that the mages guild could be responsible for the missing garbage, and not all of it would fit in the sewers.

Yes, Bravil is supposed to be the armpit of the empire, but only through a mod is it so.


473. You can walk on dirt roads, through a swamp, in a sewer(presumably through sewage), in many a cave, in dark dusty dungeons/ruins, but you never get dirty.


474. No one seems to care that you desecrate the aeylid ruins. Strange since they're everyones(?) direct ancestor.


475. A woman says that she cleared out a set of caves

, but that it's been about 30 years since she cleaned it out and maybe with newer residents it has filled with loot again.

It's just odd that people with nothing to do just flat give up and continue to do nothing.


476. No one seems to really care about the invasion situation, there are no local militias.

But then, as some have pointed out here, what invasion?

A few daedra and pets, no army.


477. Dwellers of a place where constant extreme heat, and fire exist would have no immunity to cold.

Even the least cold spell could kill the baddest of the bad.


478. In Anvil the starving(?) mtn. lions can teleport from outside a guarded gate to just behind a certain persons house and then teleport into that persons basement.

Even though a thoughtful person supplies said lions with venison, why would the then full lions go after rats?





....this is not a rant but part of this list.

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478. In Anvil the starving(?) mtn. lions can teleport from outside a guarded gate to just behind a certain persons house and then teleport into that persons basement.

Even though a thoughtful person supplies said lions with venison, why would the then full lions go after rats?



She only feeds them a couple of pounds of meat. Lions can eat more than 30 pounds of meat in a single meal.


They're also cats which makes them chase and kill some animals just for the sport or out of instinct.

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480. You can jump onto somebody's table and knock all the stuff onto the floor by walking into it and they won't care, but will get mad when you try to pick it up and put it back


481. Despite having a weapon and magic, magic users (Necromancers, wizards, Zealots.....) will always run away from you. Even if they are stronger than you

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