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500 things you have learned in Oblivion


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480. You can jump onto somebody's table and knock all the stuff onto the floor by walking into it and they won't care, but will get mad when you try to pick it up and put it back


Wow! This one is real cool! hahaha!


494. You can block blade and mace with your bare hands

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Wow! This one is real cool! hahaha!


494. You can block blade and mace with your bare hands



It's quite common for murder victims killed with weapons to be found with defensive wounds on their hands and arms.



You still take full damage but would you prefer an axe through your brain or your palm?

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485. The Scamp from Morrowind is alive and well, there is a shape-shifter who suggested he was once a scamp who dealt with Orcs.


486. There are no, and never have been any tides on Cyrodiil, so how did the beaches get what appear to be tide marks?


487. The cities look terrible when viewed from outside, apparently the LOD doesn't work so fine for them, no matter how well it renders fields and mountains. Try Open Cities.


488. If you have seen one rock, you have seen them all. Apart from Oblivion, there are no different types of rock. Apparently Cyrodiil has no variation, no granite, marble, just gray, wavy and smooth rocks.


489. The wilderness is very empty, you can go for ages without spotting a single wolf or bandit, in fact, contrary to the Imperial notices, you are more likely to be assaulted while travelling upon the roads.


490. On that point, there seem to be a lot of caves very near to the roads, is this just an astounding chance, or was the landscape planned by some all seeing god, who knew where the Imperial's would build their roads.

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491- The figthers guild porter wont even let you sleep without watching

492- The adoring fan can rise from the death

493- You can carry 5 full sets of armor , but u cant carry a Body of a dead person

494- Traders never run out of money

495- There is a "faction" Mytchic Dawn (forgot how it writes) :)

496- King of Worms better uses a dagger not spells

497- There are no figths in the bars and taverns

498- You dont bleed no matter how hard you are hit

499- If your weapon breakes its not broken if you drop it in the ground

500- You cant write on paper in Oblivion

The list is finished !!!!!!!!!! :thanks:

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499. The retired guard you meet in a DB quest sleeps in the same bed as another man, maybe Bethesda is giving us a message of gay tolerance.


500. The Emperor may well have had the least lines of dialogue in the entire game, but he has been recognised, rightfully, as one of the best voice actors in the game. I still believe that Lucien Lachance is the best though, no matter how fired up the opening of the game got me.


Phew, that took a LONG time, but I think we made, with or without the confusion about numbering. Someone will have to go back and check, I might, it'll be fun to read them all again.

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