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500 things you have learned in Oblivion


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Bear with me...


511. Gods can be killed by other gods


512. There is a magical thing called the "console" that can make all you troubles go away


513. Music continuously plays in the magical world in Cyrodill


514. There are some people who will adore you. Always.


515. Your fatigue, wounds, and "energy" will be restored by magical potions.


516. Weather is comepletely random, with nothing that causes it at all. No evapiration(sp?) whatsoever.


517. There is no such thing as sickness, or "dieing of old age"


518. Eating and drinking is a pleasure. Do it whenever you want! Never get fat, bony, hungry, or thirsty!


519. There are no natural disasters.


520. A minute goes by in a second.


521. Outisde of Cyrodill is pure black. Don't fall in!


I would think up more, but I got bored. =P

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There are so many negatives in this post..


However, most of you idiots posting the negatives are the ones spending your entire life in the Oblivion world meaning you really like it. However, you are upset because some things in the game get your panties in a ruffle..


-Where would the Oblivion crybabies be without Oblivion?

-Those that can come up with so many bugs obviously like the game enough to play it long enough to find the bugs...

-If you cannot tolerate the "flaws" in the game, design your own game and "be happy now".





The post is named: 500 things you have learned in Oblivion. This is why you are seeing what you call "negatives".


You can be sure that no one will post something like "apples are red and lattuces are green" or "wolves live in the forest" or "people who possess a home sleep there", because it is so in the real world, so you've not learned none of them in Oblivion.


And, for sure, people reading and writing in this forums have spent their real world money to buy the game (I hope so, at least. I did.), and as you said, played it long enough to find such bugs/strange thing, so for sure they like it very much.



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#... what, 523?

A vast, invisible legion of misfits roams Cyrodil with the sole intent of placing items into the previously cleared-out containers in the homes of people that have already been dead for several months.


These weirdos also have a strict three-day schedule to restock the aforementioned containers.







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I think we skipped # 522 - Natural waterways and other landscape features such as shorelines don't change with time as they do in real wilderness like Africa where watereways change seasonally. A limit of technology, money, and patience of course, but an observation nonetheless (perhaps a limit there too).
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527. Every store in Cyrodill manages to stay open despite the fact that you are the only person to ever buy anything from them and get 20 times as much gold from them by sellling your loot.
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