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500 things you have learned in Oblivion


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99: Prisons are empty


100: Guards will kill any law-breaking npc on sight, even if they just walk in the wrong place or steal a worthless item

99 is a result of 100. ;)


105: It only takes one hour of simple waiting to completely heal any wounds you have, and restore your magicka.

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110 - there are no horses in the Shivering Isles (I think)


111 - Sheogorath is the one of the most entertaining NPCs.


112 - Sheogorath doesn't like dogs. However, he LOVES setting them on fire and dropping them from the sky.


113 - A city on fire will keep on burning. Forever. In the rain. (Unless you have mods)


114 - The count of Skingrad is said to be a powerful mage/vampire, but when he fights, he either uses hand-to-hand or he runs.


115 - At least one wood elf will always default on simple fighter's guild tasks.


116 - A future hero of Cyrodiil always starts off as a 'bad guy' who's in jail. (Unless you have mods)


117 - The Elder Council would rather send most of their legion forces to other parts of Tamriel in the Oblivion crisis, rather than keep them here to defend the heart of Tamriel.


118 - I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy. I still had to pay a small fine.


119 - The grass is always greener in Paradise.


120 - Ayleid weapons, that are strong enough to penetrate armor and almost beat me to death, crumble if I just touch them while they're on the ground.


121 - You can run into an inn, jump up on a table with your underwear on and kick food around without anyone telling you anything. If you try to just pick up and move aside what's not yours, a guard comes running.


122 - People in Cyrodiil care about what's happening in other parts of Tamriel, rather than what's going on in their own back yard.


123 - You can do whatever the hell you want after you come out of the sewers. The world and Oblivion will wait until you're ready to save Tamriel.


124 - You (Level 1) + starting a fight with Umbra = Suicide.


125 - M'Aig is the second of the most entertaining NPCs.


126 - Skooma is awesome.


127 - Running around with only your underwear on while dosed up with Skooma is also awesome.


128 - Horses are obsolete. And tasty.


129 - All crabs are evil.

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131 : Guards will keep asking you to surrender, even if you resist arrest regardless of your current bounty. They won't say 'You earned a death warrant' like they say in Morrowind.


132 : You always start off as a prisoner in the Elder Scrolls series. Wouldn't you rather start off with a new beginning?


(Except for Daggerfall, and the others? Wow, there's something!)


133 : The Arcane University has spellmaking and enchanting, and still won't even let you make new spells or items unless if you're a member.


134 : Yay! Horses to ride!


135 : Troubles going on all around Tamriel. Like the Nords trying to destroy the Redoran.


(BigT17, I think 132 and 133 is already taken.)

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132 : You always start off as a prisoner in the Elder Scrolls series. Wouldn't you rather start off with a new beginning?

Except Daggerfall, Redguard, and Battlespire (also, apparently Shadowkey, but i didn't actually play that one)


134: It is perfectly appropriate for the guildmaster of many guild be the same person.

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135- The Fork of Horripilation has made itself to Shivering isles


136- Owning houses is a nice feature


137- Alot of the quests in cyrodil are really fun and entertaining


138- Scamps are annoying... oh man so annoying..


139- If your Sitting on a chair in a bar and you press *activate* to get up... dont have your crosshair pointed at a plate.

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