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500 things you have learned in Oblivion


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241 - NPCs may still try to fight you with their bare hands even though they know that you're the Arena Grand Champion


242 - You can climb sheer cliff faces by moving from left to right while pressing on upwards with a fast enough horse.


243 - You can DESCEND sheer cliff faces by simply walking.


244 - Swift death comes to any bandit/marauder who tries to fight you.


245 - The highwayman khajiit dude won't bother you for money if you're wearing prison clothes. (I think)


246 - All highwaymen are khajiits (I THINK. Never seen one that wasn't)


247 - You're practically invincible with the plethora of healing spells ad potions you have/can obtain


248 - The player is psychic; knowing almost all of the NPC's names beforehand.

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229: It's normal to ask people you don't know about necrophilia.





This one honestly made me chuckle.



242: If companionship in real life were like Oblivion, you would step out of your wedding only to see your spouse charge forward and, using only the wedding bouquet, attack a gang of street thugs armed with handguns.

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249. It can actually be interesting to follow around a single NPC for a week.


250. Glarthar has good reason to be paranoid. He knows about all the secretive societies. Kinda odd really.


251. The tome of unlife is suprisingly useless.


252. You only have trouble finding Nirnroots when you're actually looking for them.


253. No matter how important the invasion of Tamriel may seem, you always have time to do chores for people.


254. The definition of an invasion is aproximately 2 scamps and a flame atronach from each gate.


255. Frost Atronachs are suprisingly boyant in lava.


256. Flame Atronachs die when they touch lava.


257. A large rock falling from 50 ft. above just bounces off you.


258. You can tell a door or chest is locked just by looking at it, and how good of a lock it is.


259. You can tell if something is owned by another person, its value, and weight just by looking at it.


260. There is nothing worse than a villan that talks too much. He's going to kill you, why bother to explain anything first?

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262: You grow stronger after fighting/killing/looting a whole day by just resting one hour, then you're fit for fight again.


263: You can literally RUN across whole Cyrodiil without rest.


264: You cannot kill a small rat with an axe if you're not skilled enough, yet you do the same animation regardless.


265: People go around in cities while it's raining. I would personally find some shelter.


266: People accept strangers to help them with all kinds of things, even personal ones.

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268: Dont attempt to fight Umbra if your low level (Umbra is level 50)


269: In modern terms, the population of Cyrodiil is small but in medieval European terms it's normal size


270: There are no wedding rings or any signs that people are married except for people living under the same roof


271: Valus Odiil, Uriel Septim, and the Fighter's Guild guildmaster are the only people I know of that have children

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273 - Attacking a Daedric lord = Death. And the feeling as if you're flying just before you die.


274 - You can take an axe to the head and still live to kill your opponent. Now THAT'S determination.



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