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True invisibility


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  • 6 years later...

You guys still never answered the original question, how to you use invisibility and no deactivate when you touch something? I want to use the birth sign to get 60 sec of invisibility once a day and have it actually be useful...


Offering me an alternative of Chameleon doesnt make the invisibility birth sign one iota more practical.

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It's because these effects are hardcoded into the game engine and cannot be changed, altered or modified by a mod in any way. Invisibility "by design" turns off once you do anything else than just move.

The only way around is to re-create invisibility, for example by modifying another more close effect, Chameleon, instead, like explained here.


In short, what was asked is "impossible" to do directly, so people instead resorted to offering alternatives.


And if you just go check back a little into the previous page, you'll even see exactly this was explained already years ago.

There was no need to resurrect this old and buried topic back from its grave only to complain about people's inability to do the impossible. Your own topic was more than sufficient itself.

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