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Need help with a door simple door problem.


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Something that comes to mind is have you pathgridded the new building? Are the normal NPCs just the basic NPC from the CS with no AI packages? I'm 'Mr Slow and Methodical' (a speciality of mine). After I've created a new NPC by copying an existing one and giving it a new ID I strip out all the AI packages before dropping them into their new home in the CS. I save, load my mod and go to their location and check them out, looking for stuff like buried in the floor up to the ankles or floating above the ground. As I add content to their AI packages I play test at every major juncture (e.g. if I add a sleep package I follow them around and make sure it's working before I add a wander around town or go to the chapel type). I also avoid any attempts at randomizing their routines until after I'm satisfied with the non-randomized schedule. That's part of why it takes me eons to get much done. Edited by Striker879
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  • 2 months later...

Something that comes to mind is have you pathgridded the new building? Are the normal NPCs just the basic NPC from the CS with no AI packages? I'm 'Mr Slow and Methodical' (a speciality of mine). After I've created a new NPC by copying an existing one and giving it a new ID I strip out all the AI packages before dropping them into their new home in the CS. I save, load my mod and go to their location and check them out, looking for stuff like buried in the floor up to the ankles or floating above the ground. As I add content to their AI packages I play test at every major juncture (e.g. if I add a sleep package I follow them around and make sure it's working before I add a wander around town or go to the chapel type). I also avoid any attempts at randomizing their routines until after I'm satisfied with the non-randomized schedule. That's part of why it takes me eons to get much done.




Well I just deleted the building, and made a exact copy (to memory) and it worked fine.

I just think it was a bit bugged :)

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