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Is the Courier's stash good ?


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Well Courier's stash obviously doesnt add much but the Armors do look really cool same with the machete everything else is really just a re texture or a copy but hey its only 2 bucks so id say its plenty worth it since im level 14 and im still using Lightweight Metal Armor.



GRA is awesome so many weapons so little time...Despite so many people bashing it its a lot of fun to play with all the new weapons and ammo they added in. Even if some of the weapons are just copied version of vanilla weapons modded to have mods. Its also a great way to blow through a massive amount of caps which i always seem to have too much of. And again its pretty darn cheap so id say its worth it.

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GRA is definately worth it, it adds some great weapons that fit in with the Fallout universe without looking out of place (which is more than can be said for many 'popular' weapon mods. Plus its dirt cheap.


The Couriers stash doesnt add that much, a few new armours based very heavily on existing ones, and a few retextured weapons. Its good for a decent start to the game, but not brilliant. HOWEVER its only $2. Most sandwiches are $2. Given that its stupidly dirt cheap, its worth tacking onto an order if you are buying GRA or one of the other DLCs.

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