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Built in Modmanager?


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I have been wondering this for a while; will there be a built in modmanager? I don't mean like and updater or something like obmm, but rater an application in the game itself. One of the games that I can use for an example is Civ5. The devs worked with the community at civfanatics, and the mod database is built in. While it would be easier to browse aimlessly at the nexus forums; being able to change mods around, uninstall and install mods at a whim is nice and easy within the game.


Has anyone heard any news regarding this?

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I haven't heard such a thing, but perhaps it can be done after the fact! I for one have been annoyed with OBMM and the fact that someone can't just make a program for Oblivion Mod Manager and Wrye Bash together for added functionality. It's confusing to say the least. It would be awesome if it was done like in Civilization V.
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It does sound awesome! :] One of my biggest wishes on modding for Skyrim is that we have learned enough about modding that the software can be more comprehensive and less clusterf***ed. Haha. Not to be too critical of course, because at the end of the day they did a great job with OBMM (and Wrye), I just wish it was more user-friendly and didn't devour many, many hours of my time just to figure out how to do certain things, only to have to read more to do something else. Like COBL and FCOM, that was a beast. ;)


Here's to hoping the built-in mod manager is as great as it's sizing up to be!

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I hope it does come with a built-in mod manager, it would seem more convenient. I download just a small-medium size list of mods to improve games (realism mods, new weapons/armor/hairs, etc...) while still keeping a generally vanilla feel, so I really wouldn't have a use for a "Nexus mod-manager".
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...so I really wouldn't have a use for a "Nexus mod-manager".


It has other neat functions than just installing and sorting mods, though. It's supposed to be able to update your mods easily (I think OBMM might have this feature, haven't used it in a while) and have better integration between games.

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