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GRA = A ripoff of the modding community?


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Ok, by making a mod for another company/persons game you are releasing any rights to ownership of your work/property in regards to that Mod. So when they made NV and just basicly used FO3 + the most popular FO3 mods, it wasnt thievery, it was progression. When they added this weapon pack that basicly takes similar textures (still not as good as the ones on here sadly) and item/module concepts it was again progress. So yea, other than the new grenades and explosive perk, theres really no point in buying it since everything else is already on here and in better form. But hey, console gamers gotta get some love with an official DLC.


The textures fit with the rest of the textures within the game. Otherwise they would look funny which is why you have to be careful when making textures they have to somewhat fit into the background.


But i Disagree

How many weapons in GRA were actually made by a mod other then the Bozar?

generic .223 pistols, battle rifles and F3 weapons dont count>_>

Edited by ModelV
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I agree wtih MojaveMike, why complain that they implement ideas from the community into their games? Not that many companies do that these days, its nice to see that there is atleast one company doing it.

Maybe some people have a sour taste in their mouths because they didn't hire those contributors to help work on the game like companies such as Valve do? ;)


Honestly though, the openness of Bethesda with regards to modding is to be commended, the fact that they even implemented some of the ideas from popular mods goes to show they actually care about what their customers want.

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Ok, by making a mod for another company/persons game you are releasing any rights to ownership of your work/property in regards to that Mod. So when they made NV and just basicly used FO3 + the most popular FO3 mods, it wasnt thievery, it was progression. When they added this weapon pack that basicly takes similar textures (still not as good as the ones on here sadly) and item/module concepts it was again progress. So yea, other than the new grenades and explosive perk, theres really no point in buying it since everything else is already on here and in better form. But hey, console gamers gotta get some love with an official DLC.


The textures fit with the rest of the textures within the game. Otherwise they would look funny which is why you have to be careful when making textures they have to somewhat fit into the background.


But i Disagree

How many weapons in GRA were actually made by a mod other then the Bozar?

generic .223 pistols, battle rifles and F3 weapons dont count>_>


About 3/4ths of the pack is basicly remakes/ports of NV/FO3 weapons, you can not choose to neglect them in such a discussion.

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All the pack is is a retexture, new ammo, and new mod pack. All of which was already added to greater extent by available mods. The only thing of note from it is the tin grenades and nuka break. Which are not worth the price tag. Do love the Tin grenades concept though.
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All the pack is is a retexture, new ammo, and new mod pack. All of which was already added to greater extent by available mods.




The only weapon from another mod was the bozar and like i said its a Fallout franchise weapon and the katana.



Medicine stick

Cleansing Flame


Sprtel-Wood 9700

Embrace of the mantis king

Greased lightening


Two-Step Goodbye

The Smitty Special


Lil Devil

MF grenades

MF cluster grenade

MF Hyperbreeder Alpha

Tin Grenades

25mm grenade APW

All the generic (GRA) tag guns


All have not been added by any mod that i have found.

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