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Need help re: Interior building safe from outside enemies


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Hey guys, working on my mod (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43906) and I need help in removing the DANGER status from the enemies outside when I enter into a building... the NPCs start going crazy even though we're not hostile with each other and there are no enemies technically around them. Is there a quick way to do this or do I need to add a Trigger event in every location? o_O
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If I'm not mistaken the problem you have is that enemies on the outiside are hostile, they see you and when you enter that makes the occupants of the building interior hostile too.

I had a similar problem in one area in AWOP. I traced it back to the base the Creatures/NPCs were created from. For example if I was using a creature with the base of a hostile creature, even with updated faction data they would often turn hostile (in some cases totally unprovoked). I found the solution was to use the base of a neutral creature like a Pack Brahmin then alter that by changing the relavant models/stats/inventory etc.. to fit whatever crature I wanted.

The same thing is true of NPCs. Creating a friendly NPC from a hostile base (e.g. Camp Searchlight Ghouls) will result in all other normal friendly NPCs attacking this character (even if you change all the stats, physical attributes, faction data etc...).

Hope that helps.

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I ended up changing our faction data so that the player and this group are only friends and the other faction only helps allies (not allies and friends). That seemed to do the trick. As for outside, I'm still struggling to keep NPCs that are high up from entering into combat with enemies that can be seen but can not reach them. But I did have some success with one NPC last night using 2 different AI packages so I might be good now.
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