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Debates Section Pole...Kepp it or Lose it?


What should happen to the Debates Section?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should happen to the Debates Section

    • Get rid of it. No one actually debates they just express opinions or go off topic!!
    • Keep it! Its FORUM WAR and its on like DONKEY KONG!
    • Keep it...sometimes Lisnpuppy will post something intelligent! (hee hee)
    • Keep it but rename it the Opinion Forum.

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The debates on this section are said to be not true debating. Personal opinion and anecdotes abound. Folks are on the edge of trolling but it sure is fun to fight, hmmm?


So what should we do about this section? The mods have threatened to close it down many times before.


Take a vote....give a logical debate, honest opinion, weird UFO story or just wail into someone for the heck of it.




((and CRAP I HATE TYPOS IN THE TOPIC NAME!! I can spell KEEP and POLL..geez))

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I voted #3, even though I hate typos in the topic name too. lol. I only have about 3 or 4 people left to follow in the debates section, and LisnPuppy is one of them. So I have decided to just watch for those few and pretty much ignore the rest. If I occasionally become embroiled in some nonsensical discussion, then it is my fault; so I have no one else to blame. I don't have to read the threads if I choose not to. :thumbsup: Oh, and I also recently learned about the "ignore" button on my profile page. It is a joy to me. Now I can totally ignore those posters who raise my blood pressure too much. It is a wonderful thing!!!! :biggrin:
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I think your poll belongs in the "satire" section.



It may be tongue-in-cheek but I am serious in many ways, Myr. Something has to give. I'd rather you moderators not have to shut it down. I just thought I'd try something completely different. lol

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I voted three.


I would say though, that although insult throwing is wrong and most undesirable, I have yet to attend any debating chamber where it was totally absent. I'm not just talking about political debates like Congress and Parliament, but any debating society, club committee etc can get like that sometimes. I vividly remember when we had the mock trial competitions at my university the two finalists (a certain redhead of your acquaintance and a fast talking Geordie guy of Irish descent)ripping shreds out of each other's arguments, but WITHOUT resorting to ad hominem.


*Bows and adjusts wig* with due respect to m'learned friends, this is the ONLY debating platform where I have ever been where it seems to be considered improper to bring in personal experience and anecdotes. Everywhere else, it is considered entirely appropriate to use this to illustrate a point.

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I voted three.


I would say though, that although insult throwing is wrong and most undesirable, I have yet to attend any debating chamber where it was totally absent. I'm not just talking about political debates like Congress and Parliament, but any debating society, club committee etc can get like that sometimes. I vividly remember when we had the mock trial competitions at my university the two finalists (a certain redhead of your acquaintance and a fast talking Geordie guy of Irish descent)ripping shreds out of each other's arguments, but WITHOUT resorting to ad hominem.


*Bows and adjusts wig* with due respect to m'learned friends, this is the ONLY debating platform where I have ever been where it seems to be considered improper to bring in personal experience and anecdotes. Everywhere else, it is considered entirely appropriate to use this to illustrate a point.

Its not really improper, but it should not be used as your sole evidence. It can add to your point, but it doesn't help much if you don't use it alone. It should just be used as a small extra piece.

Edited by marharth
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I think your poll belongs in the "satire" section.


I would gladly debate satire with you myrmaad. At least your founding in 'opinions' is more based on common sense and a good arguments than most here. The same goes for Lisspuppy and some others. But... ( insert your own opinion here because I will not refere to ad hominem to others here . )

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"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire


Clearly the right of freedom of speech does not extend to this privately owned forum, however I feel that we should still value what it has to offer. Freedom of speech means that you can say what you like, but that is not the same as freedom from consequence. People may argue with you, and they may end up disliking you. If you want to come into the fire that is the debates forum, be prepared to see some things that will challenge your views. Your resolve may be tempered, or you might get burned. If nothing else you will walk away with a better idea of how diverse even a group of people with many commonalities can be.

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