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Debates Section Pole...Kepp it or Lose it?


What should happen to the Debates Section?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should happen to the Debates Section

    • Get rid of it. No one actually debates they just express opinions or go off topic!!
    • Keep it! Its FORUM WAR and its on like DONKEY KONG!
    • Keep it...sometimes Lisnpuppy will post something intelligent! (hee hee)
    • Keep it but rename it the Opinion Forum.

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I will go as far to say I think anyone who ignores common posters in this section should be banned for the section. It derails topics when someone posts without having any idea whats actually going on, because they have someone blocked they don't agree with. Already stated other reasons above.


Blocking people is not a solution. People need to be removed or optionally remove themselves if they block people who they disagree with here.

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You have my sincere thanks for starting this thread. In effect, you posted earlier that 'you had to do something'. Well, you lovely woman you have! I think this thread is a real catalyst for change in the Debates Section. If I happened to be on your Ignored Users list and you never see this, that's okay.


@grannywils, Aurielius & the others who know what a debate is


This is epic. With this 'ignore user' feature debaters could actually debate again. They wouldn't be subjected to opinion posts, the constant derailing, or any of the other nonsense that have turned the debates threads into the personal sandbox of a few people. As long as no one quoted these people it would be like they are not even here. It would make their posts irrelevant and stall any urge to feed into them, which is what they want. It would also make things easier on the staff, as the baiting and bullying and pointless exchanges would no longer be as prevalent as they are now. I've looked at the Nexus TOS and there is nothing stating that members MUST pay attention to one another. I think the staff would look at this as a blessing. With the Ignore User feature debaters could get back to the business of debating unhindered.


And that is exactly what I intend to do. :thumbsup:

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Thank you Kendo. You are NOT on my ignored users and sometimes you can post the most amazing arguments. Sometimes you can push the envelope. I plan to start letting a lot more things go. I have had some medical scares recently and I was reminded, yet again, that I shouldn't sweat the small stuff and its all small stuff.


Now that is not to say I won't nicely (I hope) call someone out if they are being an idiot. I realize I lose my temper also and will sometimes be a bit too sensitive. I plan on working to make that a non-issue. A heated debate is ok...all of us acting like a group of 3rd graders at Chucky Cheeze waiting to get into the ball pit is another. Remember USE THE REPORT BUTTON and count to ten before you post.


A debate is not really to convince the person with which you are debating to change their mind....but to give a convincing argument and to make the listener think. Yes fact and all that stuff should be used...but really. This is NOT a formal debates forum. Stop getting all bent out of shape with someones personal reflections. Just move past it already...geez.


STOP TAKING EVERYTHING SO PERSONAL. Surprising as it may be for some of you, you are not the center of the universe (cause we all know I am *fluffs hair*) and its not always about YOU. Not everyone is ALWAYS being prejudiced, disagreeable racist, sexist, Marxist, whatever-ist to you or your sub-cultures. Again...move on.


I will often add what I like to see as some subtle...abet sarcastic humor in my post. Try to remember that before you jump down my throat.


STOP MAKING YOUR POST PERSONAL ATTACKS AGAINST A PERSON! Don't try to infer what is meant. Just ask straight up if you aren't sure if someone is butthurt. Remember this is all typed and we can't see facial expressions, eyes, hear vocal tones and all that. JUST MOVE ON.


Don't bring your personal bull crap into it. For one...I don't care who you hate. Take it to a PM for the love of the internet gods!


*looks over everyone*


I really like most of you people. The ones maybe I don't well...work hard and that may someday change :tongue: But seriously I am not gonna pick on someone just because I only like you but don't LIKE like you. So suck it up. I don't want to stop posting here as I like to argue, to see other peoples views and thought processes and I for one know...we can all agree to disagree without verbally tearing each other a new one. This was my way of hoping that I could get people to get a grip. So...everyone reach down your clothes and find something to hold on to.


*giggles* Man I crack myself up.


*swishes fan in a dismissive motion* Y'all have a good one. And come on back.


Your BFF,


aka Lisa Danielle

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It's simply a brilliant manifesto, I applaud your courage to state it forthrightly. This might return debates to what they once were and could be again.


I am not sure that you intended this but you have my sincere gratitude for starting this thread.

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It's simply a brilliant manifesto, I applaud your courage to state it forthrightly. This might return debates to what they once were and could be again.


I am not sure that you intended this but you have my sincere gratitude for starting this thread. - Ditto

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Maybe rename it to 'Serious Discussion' or something, it's kind of impossible to have a structured debate on the Internet simply because the format of the Internet allows a third person to butt in and begin to address arguments made by two people who have been engaging in discourse between themselves, and then it will immediately devolve into a discussion of elemental and tangential points to the main discussion because, by nature, any discussion of a topic will gradually shift to the subtopics which are relevant to forming any opinion on the main topic of discussion. Ideally participants would address each subtopic and their particularized nuances one by one before coming to a final consensus, but this is effectively impossible in real life, much less the Internet.
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