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Debates Section Pole...Kepp it or Lose it?


What should happen to the Debates Section?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should happen to the Debates Section

    • Get rid of it. No one actually debates they just express opinions or go off topic!!
    • Keep it! Its FORUM WAR and its on like DONKEY KONG!
    • Keep it...sometimes Lisnpuppy will post something intelligent! (hee hee)
    • Keep it but rename it the Opinion Forum.

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See, not everybody are Americans, Aussies or Britts. We are a great deal that do not have english as out mother language, thus have some difficulties to express our means with more colourfull, more chosen words, thus making our posts dull and uninterresting.

The debate forum is for ALL, who want to participate and follow the Nexus rules, that is how a debate should be. Now I read between the lines that, those from the inner circle, who has a power to judge who are "less serious debaters" or are turning the debate section into a "sand box", will make their day with the "ignore button".

I actually also think there are posters that from time to time are less serious, but not allways. I think we all do. So if we all start to use the "ignore button" on those we don´t want to read posts from, I predict a very tiny exclusive debate forum. Have fun. R.I.P

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I am sorry you see it that way Balagor. I am not planning to use the button. I plan to read post and if I have to ignore it in order not to act like an idiot then I will do so with my head. Honestly....I think you present yourself well here on the forums. I love to see you side of things and it always reminds me...that there are alternative ways to think of something..usually more peaceful....more kind. Do I always agree at the end that is the course to go? No, but it makes me stop and think...consider...where before I would maybe make a decision to go in, guns a blazin'. Sometimes it is the reed that bends in the harsh winds...but does not break that survives the storms. The rigid, upright reeds will be broken and flung asunder. *hug*


You know folks, just because you write something something doesn't mean you HAVE to push the reply button. Heck at times....and I do not lie...I will write out a response in Word on my computer that never dawns on the light of the forum. I leave it for hours or so to see...is that REALLY what I want to say. Other times...well....I just fling myself into the fray.


If some folks have to use that button in order to manage to post properly (or keep their sanity)...well then I am all for it. I hope that its something like the training wheels of a bike that someday they can discard. *shrugs*


Every one of us is a mirror and the things we dislike we have ALL done at some point. Many of us get angry because we will find our dearly held beliefs challenged by a particularly provocative post. (Heh...I used alliteration there!) When that happens we often get our hackles roused and we dig in. I can not say at times that I do not play devil's advocate just to see how a person will stand or even the dumb country girl, blinking innocently when I ask one of those provocative questions. What we must do when this occurs is learn to recognize this for what it is....and take time to respond to posts so that we can give a more moderated response.


Lukertin...wow....where have you been all of my Debate Forum life? *winks*


You folks can take my advice and use it for what it is...or you can run screaming "LA LA LA LA" with your fingers in your ears. I don't care. I have decided that I am gonna try and post in the forums....damn the torpedoes. I will try to handle myself intelligently and with some dignity. I also hope at the end of the day I will have learned something new.


Ball is in your court folks.

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See, not everybody are Americans, Aussies or Britts. We are a great deal that do not have english as out mother language, thus have some difficulties to express our means with more colourfull, more chosen words, thus making our posts dull and uninterresting.

The debate forum is for ALL, who want to participate and follow the Nexus rules, that is how a debate should be. Now I read between the lines that, those from the inner circle, who has a power to judge who are "less serious debaters" or are turning the debate section into a "sand box", will make their day with the "ignore button".

I actually also think there are posters that from time to time are less serious, but not allways. I think we all do. So if we all start to use the "ignore button" on those we don´t want to read posts from, I predict a very tiny exclusive debate forum. Have fun. R.I.P


Ty Balagor, I agree an open forum is open to all who obey the rules, not just to selected individuals you like. Can't stop peeps from ignoring one another but it makes the debate exclusive to some. Unfortunately this is already happening to some degree even without using the ignore feature, sometimes I wonder if active debaters actually reads what occasional posters write.

Edited by sendo75
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(You wouldn't believe the crap I'm capable of ignoring :whistling: )



Marharth, I think I understand what happened, and why you feel as you do, but as long as you stated your case, everyone reading had an opportunity to hear/respond to both sides.


Sendo, sometimes when I agree with someone, I don't write a post to simply say "I agree". Sometimes no response just means no one disagrees.

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Can't stop peeps from ignoring one another but it makes the debate exclusive to some. Unfortunately this is already happening to some degree even without using the ignore feature, sometimes I wonder if active debaters actually reads what occasional posters write.


LMAO. Kudos :biggrin:


@Myrmad, you have to ignore crap, profesionally :tongue: Kudos too, but I think I gave you allready :wink:

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See, not everybody are Americans, Aussies or Britts. We are a great deal that do not have english as out mother language, thus have some difficulties to express our means with more colourfull, more chosen words, thus making our posts dull and uninterresting.

The debate forum is for ALL, who want to participate and follow the Nexus rules, that is how a debate should be. Now I read between the lines that, those from the inner circle, who has a power to judge who are "less serious debaters" or are turning the debate section into a "sand box", will make their day with the "ignore button".

I actually also think there are posters that from time to time are less serious, but not allways. I think we all do. So if we all start to use the "ignore button" on those we don´t want to read posts from, I predict a very tiny exclusive debate forum. Have fun. R.I.P


I agree with you to a point. The debates are for all of us to enjoy. Please read back through a few posts here and elsewhere and you will see a pattern of not very many people enjoying the debates. If people were enjoying them, this thread and a couple of simlar ones would not be present and people wouldn't be stating their concerns.


Using the Ignore User feature doesn't deny anyone access to the debates or make anything exclusive. What it does is level the playing field. For some time there has been a small percentage of the debates threads posters acting like this is THEIR section. They do things and post in a manner that in effect deny the debates threads to other members. They LIKE doing it and if you know where to look you can see their posts where they publicly laugh about it. For whatever reason terrorizing the debates threads and debaters gives them a level of satisfaction. By adding individuals like that to your ignored users list it removes them the debates equation. They no longer matter. They are still free to post (something they sought to deny others) but now they no longer have an audience.


Balagor, you and I have agreed on maybe two occassions when you were participating in the debates. The rest of the time we never agreed. Our political, social and moral views are diametrically opposed. BUT you research facts and think before you post and you are intelligent without being obnoxious about it. You are an ideal debate opponent.

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I agree entirely with your last post, and I am happy you consider me an worthy opponent :wink: Now we have agreed 3 times :whistling: I will even consider tossing a kudos your way. (wow, my kudos are on the loose today)


EDIT: Evidence that sometimes one can change a point of view through debating. I changed my vote for number 3.

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I am new to the Debate Forum, so I am still getting my feet wet as to the rules, both stated and unwritten. I'd dislike to see such a discussion forum be lost because a few people feel so strongly about a subject that they will not listen to someone else's views on the said subject.
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Just want to comment for a moment on Linspuppy's last post and on this whole "ignore button" issue. At least for me the button is a convenience. As mentioned by Kendo and others, there is a pattern exhibited by a small percentage of posters who tend to monopolize the debate section with what I consider to be drivel. Yes, this is my opinion. However, since it is my opinion, to which I have a right; I choose to ignore the drivel. Ergo, I push the button. Those posters certainly have as much right to their opinions as I do, and they certainly have as much right to post as I do. But they have no right to insist that I read everything that they have to say. If I choose to read it, I am able to do so, as their is an option at the end of each post which enables one to read it if one so desires. And on occasion, much to my chagrin I have chosen that option. That being, neither here nor there, the point is that this is a free and open forum. There is no exclusion intended. If one wants to post, one is free to do so. If one wants to read what you have to say, one is free to do so. If one chooses not to read what you have to say, one is free not to do so.


One of the many things that finally got me most annoyed with trying to read some of these posters (and to use "the ominous button" was their laziness about responding to one another with a new post. I simply refuse to read these 37 blocks of post within posts within posts and attempt to see who said what to whom and when. It is ok with one or two posts; but I was finding dozens and dozens and I just could not work up the enthusiasm to try and follow it, especially when most of the time it was the same posters saying the same thing over and over and over and over again. It is certainly their choice to post in that fashion, and it is certainly my choice not to sift through it. :wallbash:


And a note to Balagor, I make a point of looking for your posts. I find them refreshing and interesting. They always bring something new to the table. Language has nothing to do with the issues here. You stick with the subject and you tend to keep us on track more often than not. :thumbsup:




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