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Debates Section Pole...Kepp it or Lose it?


What should happen to the Debates Section?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should happen to the Debates Section

    • Get rid of it. No one actually debates they just express opinions or go off topic!!
    • Keep it! Its FORUM WAR and its on like DONKEY KONG!
    • Keep it...sometimes Lisnpuppy will post something intelligent! (hee hee)
    • Keep it but rename it the Opinion Forum.

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@Nintii, ok wave on pal. :biggrin: And just so you know, there are only three people on my "ignore" list. So I am still seeing an awful lot of the nonsense I would rather miss. Not exactly sticking my head in the sand. Am banging it against the wall a lot in order not to respond inappropriately though... :wallbash:
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I see that again some are focusing on one small thing and missing much of the positive (that I thought I was trying to bring to the front of this quagmire!!)


To begin...if Granny had not said a word about the ignore feature none of you would even know. Second, I can do the same thing without a button. Say I didn't like Granny's postings..I could...I don't know..scroll past her post and simply NOT READ THEM. How in the name of H..E..Double Toothpicks would you KNOW????


However because some of you seemed to be more focused and assuming its you that is on the ignore list...you have...and I am sorry to say...shown your behind in my humble opinion.


This is exactly what I have been talking about.


I am not here to win a popularity contest either. Thank you those who have said kind words to me, but I couldn't be a diplomat because in person..I have a bit of a temper...which because this is a forum I can typically keep in check.


I am really disappointed in some of you. Your inability to focus on anything positive about ANYTHING ANYONE has said here is just amazing to me.


So I will say one thing....I hope we can get through this....but in meantime...some of you need to get over your bad selfs.


GRRRRRRR!!!!! :verymad:

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Isn't this topic supposed to be about whats wrong with the debate section? Focusing on what is positive to fix a problem is not the best of ideas.


Also I don't fully understand what you just say linspuppy. I don't get your point.


Having a dialogue about what is wrong also is about talking about the thing that make it BETTER. I don't hear that...I here how terrible the ignore is...and like I said..how do you know who does it. People ignore post all the time and focus on the small thing...what is the difference? We don't all respond to every post before us so I say this is a mountain made out of a mole hill. I believe your first post on the subject was people that ignored post should be banned? Or am I wrong?


How was that post in the least bit constructive?


I am saying you have all made your point...now what can we do to make the debates section better. What are the good things? If you have a criticism then come with a possible solution.

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If I may...

He pointed out that a thread got derailed by people that he presumed had him "ignored" when he was trying to direct them back onto topic.

That's pointing out one way that the debates section could be made better -- by listening to each other.


And to be completely clear, he said "banned from the section" not the forum. Which has a bit of truth to it from the standpoint that a debate is a discussion between people, rather than a monologue. Calm yourself... Goosfraba...

Edited by draconix
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If I may...

He pointed out that a thread got derailed by people that he presumed had him "ignored" when he was trying to direct them back onto topic.

That's pointing out one way that the debates section could be made better -- by listening to each other.


And to be completely clear, he said "banned from the section" not the forum. Which has a bit of truth to it from the standpoint that a debate is a discussion between people, rather than a monologue. Calm yourself... Goosfraba...


I am calm.


But here is the point..the topic is often derailed by the folks that are complaining of the ignore button. Fancy that. You don't know if someone has you on ignore or if they are just not reading your post because you plan to only reply to one post...or you are just going to say whatever you want and don't read any of them. So again...saying that people need to pay more attention to post is a wonderful idea, but assuming everything happens in a thread because you are ignored is nonsense.


Do you ken?


You know what...nevermind. Move on nothing to see here.

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OK. How to improve it all.


One thing I have already touched on. We should stop jumping to conclusions, misconstruing and taking fellow posters comments out of context. In other words, we should actually read what each other is posting and then make considered response. It doesn't have to be a wall of text, although if you have detailed points to make, it can be. If you have a short but pertinent observation to make, that can be equally valuable. Note what I am ACTUALLY saying is that neither the detailed nor concise poster is wrong, if what they post is relevant and on topic.

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<FONT face="Comic Sans MS"><FONT color=#00bfff size=3>LP, just curious.... Are you beginning to feel a bit, I don't know... derailed?<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:unsure: src="http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/unsure.gif"> <BR><BR>But, I jest (sort of). Ginnyfizz makes a good point. Rather than focusing any further on what is or has been wrong with prior postings, let us get on with what we can do to improve future postings. There is really no "right" or "wrong" way to express one's opinion provided it is done politely and without personally attacking one's fellow poster. Perhaps all of us could make a really concerted effort to stay more on topic and try very hard not to veer off into areas unrelated to the OP's original thread. If any of us finds that happening, perhaps we might suggest and/or start a new thread with the new and fascinating topic, so that others who would like to continue with the original topic may do so without the distraction of the new one. <BR>How does that sound to everyone?<BR></FONT></FONT>
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LP, just curious.... Are you beginning to feel a bit, I don't know... derailed?:unsure:


I was...but now I am not. Pulled it right back in my own, little brain. :thumbsup:


That being said...I have a family with which I would like to spend some time. So....See you in the funny papers.

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