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Hmmm.. getting bored


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I asked in a previous post if there was any TC mods out there. I am getting a little bored with the gamestyle and would like some changes to the basic of morrowind, not just a new dungeon, or a fancy artifact or something like that...


For the purpose i was looking at this site : http://thelys.free.fr/mods.htm


I think there are many good-looking mods there, so now for the question; have any of you tried any of the mods there? If so, are they good? Any recommendations to mods related to the given link or any other mods?

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Well; here's my current list of running mods. Trimmed down a month or so ago from the 160+ I had been running:


All Classes: Enables several new races for when you're building a new character.

Alternate Gold II: More attractive looking "gold" coins.

Amulets and Rings: A retexturing mod, not the "fix". Add a load of new, very NICE looking rings and amulets to the game.

Armor Mannequin: Buyable armor mannequins.

Atmospheric Sound Effects - 3.0 (+Updates): Add hundreds of new backround sounds to MW. One of THE most popular plug-ins for MW, EVER.

Better Bodies 3.0: By M. Daikon. Makes the women in MW look more like women.

Birthsigns: Adds (30) new Birthsigns for when you're building a new character.

Blue Swirl Remover: Removes the "blue swirlies" from enchanted items in your Inventory window.

Clean skeleton Island: A new landmass and quests and stuff.

Cliffracer Remover: Name says it all. You get three different *.esp's with this version, one to make them spawn less, one to make them less aggressive, and one that removes them totally.

DynamicMagickaRegeneration: Regenerates your Magicka over time and based on your PC's stats.

Farrp Weapon Compilation Mod: Hundreds of new weapons all over the place.

Fix Typos: Fixes numerous in-game spelling errors.

Glass Gauntlets: Adds Glass gauntlets to the game so you can complete your set of Glass armor.

Join All Houses: Join all three Great Houses, do all the quests, get all three (so called) Strongholds. I use because it gives me more to do.

Killgore's Home Furnishings v1.1: Furniture you can place in "Abu Manor"… or wherever else you choose to live.

LandscapeRemix: Makes the MW landscape and architecture "prettier" by far. This one is by the Modder Adul.

Magical Goods: Adds an assortment of new stuff, weapons, rings & amulets, etc.

Master Trainers Fix: Puts the two missing Master Trainers back in the game.

Merchants: Gives the merchants a little more money to barter with.

ModMan Windowlights - Full: Gives MW at night a boost by adding window lights. Sounds odd maybe, but so well done that it's a "Must Have"… just try it.

Morrowind Additions-Revamped: A balancing mod. Makes MW more difficult but more balanced at the same time. Also adds lots and lots of new "stuff" to the game.

Multiple Teleportation Mod: 12 Different "Mark" points to which you can then "Recall".

Npc Replacer: By Zerothehero. New and vastly improved faces for NPC's.

Potions: Unique Icons for every potion in the game.

Realistic Colour Config 4 Morrowind: A series of "morrowind.ini" file "tweaks" that really improve the overall look and feel of the game.

Real Signposts: Signposts you can read without having your nose pressed upagainst them.

Re-coloured Ebony and Dwarven: Actually part two of "Curry's Recoloured Glass and Ebony" mod.

Scrolls: Unique Icons for every scroll in the game.

Seyda Neen Expanded: Fills out Seyda Neen making it a busier, more "bustling" town.

Seyda Neen Fast Travel by Sea: Adds fast-travel to Seyda Neen.

Shimmer Reducer Reduces, but does eliminate, the shimmer on enchanted items (similar to the "No Glo" mod, but leaves a LITTLE something there).

Silgrad Tower (Beta): A new place to explore, quest, etc. AWESOME.

Super Adventurers 3.0: Makes MW a real challenge by revamping much of the game. A "balancing" mod. Read the extensive "Read Me" file for all the details, because MW ain't gonna be the same…

Tenience's Rare Items: New weapons in MW.

The Swords of Morrowind: Several new swords for sale at Meldor's place.

Time 2x: Makes the days in MW last twice as long.

TirThalor Expansion: A mercenary band you can hire and so much more…

Underwater Ruins: Actually called "Curry's Recoloured Glass and Ebony" mod. Dwarven machine that lets you recolor your glass, ebony, dwemer, and daedric armor to all sorts of new colors. Really well done.

Wilderness Sounds: Adds some new ambient sounds to MW.

Zed: Adds a new, rich merchant out in front of Meldor's. A bit of a "cheat" mod, since Zed has 1,000,000 gold to barter with.


And before anyone asks... yes, I have it in Excel so I can "cut & paste". :bleh:

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