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GOTY and the mods: FCOM + Companion + Unofficial Patch + Deadly Reflex


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Hello There.


I just finished Morrowind (yeah, i know) and i wasn't going to buy Oblivion, but after looking how many mods exist I'm changing my mind. Possibly I'll need to update my rig for Skyrim, so if I could play Oblivion I would be able to keep this current one a little longer.


My only question is if the mods on the title they works together without major problems. A crash sometimes is okay, as long as it's playable.


The mods I want to play are: (all on tesnexus)


FCOM: Looks awesome. Lots of new creatures and real "run for your life" moments. Looks epic. However, does it bundle those 4 mods, or do i have to get them separately, if not, does it have the latest versions of those 4 mods?


Companion: Any companion mod really. This is not essential, but i would love to get companions in my adventure. Could be a "basic" one I don't care much about commands, etc. Only a NPC that engages on combats, preferably fighting on my side :) heh


Unofficial Patch: Well. It fixes a bunch of bugs and crashes.


Deadly Reflex: I don't really care about the bloody thing, the combat just looks awesome and the most important part is that NPCs can now reach you on a stone! Awesome! Once i played the PS3 version and the way how NPCs can't reach you even on a tiny slope is a dealbreaker to me. They just keep there at the same position trying to reach you, they look extremely dumb and pathetic. I don't know why Bethesda didn't make a simple "check" to prevent that kind of stupid behaviour. Something like:



if ( Npc.roughPosition5SecondsAgo == Npc.roughPositionNow && Player.Y > Npc.Y && Npc.TryingToReachPlayerLikeDumb ) { Npc.JumpLikeCrazy; }

[/pseudocode] (refresh rate could be 5 secs approx(or less))


-- That may cause problems with npcs jumping stupidly, but it's better than having them 15cm from you and not able to reach you because you're stepping on a rock. If the NPC is stuck, i see no problem in trying to make them jump forwards to see what happens. If it reaches the player, good. If not, then it just looked dumb (if the player is looking at him), and if it fell a well and died, that would be stupid also, but less stupid than it is at the moment, because it's something more complex and less likely. And the game could calculate approximately where the NPC is gonna "land" and raytrace downwards to check if he's gonna fall fatally.


Anyways, i'm not here to criticize Bethesda or the Devs I'm here to ask you if anyone has experience running these mods together, because I'm not rich and games are so expensive in my country (or salaries are so low) that we buy games like you Americans buy cars :).


Thank you in advance.


PS: Do I need the DVD to play the game? Because my DVD Driver is IDE and recently i upgraded my mobo and i can't connect it any longer (there's no IDE>SATA adapters where i live) So I could borrow an USB DVD reader and install the game, but what about playing the game? Otherwise I'll need to wait a little longer to buy a new DVD Driver. :(.

Edited by Repgahroll
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Hello There.


I just finished Morrowind (yeah, i know) and i wasn't going to buy Oblivion, but after looking how many mods exist I'm changing my mind. Possibly I'll need to update my rig for Skyrim, so if I could play Oblivion I would be able to keep this current one a little longer.


My only question is if the mods on the title they works together without major problems. A crash sometimes is okay, as long as it's playable.


The mods I want to play are: (all on tesnexus)


FCOM: Looks awesome. Lots of new creatures and real "run for your life" moments. Looks epic. However, does it bundle those 4 mods, or do i have to get them separately, if not, does it have the latest versions of those 4 mods?

Instead of answering your question, let me point you to where you the best instructions for installing FCOM are. It includes links to the latest versions as well. FCOM is more of a "patch" to make all of the mods work together, but it is such a big deal its not really just a patch.

Click for instructions

First Time User Install Guide - A little bit outdated, but a lot of the links and suggestions on this page are good too. I suggest reading this first, then using the previous link for instructions.


Companion: Any companion mod really. This is not essential, but i would love to get companions in my adventure. Could be a "basic" one I don't care much about commands, etc. Only a NPC that engages on combats, preferably fighting on my side :) heh


Advanced Companions - Seems to be the most popular companion mod for Oblivion; Not sure if it'll work with FCOM, but you ALWAYS install FCOM after you install Oblivion, before any other mods. So install this AFTER FCOM and test it out. If you don't link this one, simply search companions in the nexus, sort if by the number of downloads/endorsements descending, and skim through them.


Unofficial Patch: Well. It fixes a bunch of bugs and crashes.


In the install order for FCOM (See the instructions -> install order) it has links to the 3 unofficial patches.


Deadly Reflex: I don't really care about the bloody thing, the combat just looks awesome and the most important part is that NPCs can now reach you on a stone! Awesome! Once i played the PS3 version and the way how NPCs can't reach you even on a tiny slope is a dealbreaker to me. They just keep there at the same position trying to reach you, they look extremely dumb and pathetic. I don't know why Bethesda didn't make a simple "check" to prevent that kind of stupid behaviour. Something like:


I've used Deadly Reflex with FCOM, I believe it works. There might be a few bugs, but I did not encounter any, given I didn't play it for very long.


Thank you in advance.


PS: Do I need the DVD to play the game? Because my DVD Driver is IDE and recently i upgraded my mobo and i can't connect it any longer (there's no IDE>SATA adapters where i live) So I could borrow an USB DVD reader and install the game, but what about playing the game? Otherwise I'll need to wait a little longer to buy a new DVD Driver. :(.


As long as you have a legal, paid-for copy, you are supported here, but my only idea is to register your product key with Steam and try to use the steam version. If that doesn't work, you can purchase the Steam version of "Oblivion Game of the Year Edition

Edited by Stormcrown
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Thank you man!


That link for the forum thread was really useful. Bethesda recently changed the forums so all old links doesn't work any longer, and to search you have to register.


Good to know Dead Reflex should work. :)


Also, if I were going to pirate i wouldn't wait the prices to drop, I would just download it illegally and at this time i would have finished it 30 times already :) heh. Don't worry, I'm with the good guys.


The problem is that i don't have international credit card, so i can only buy it in its "physical" form. And i didn't know the digital versions were moddable.


And I think you can't really play without the disk, that would not make sense because you could borrow it and install in infinite machines. So I'm already looking for an used sata driver.

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The only downloadable version that is moddable is the Steam version (at least in this day and age of everything requiring OBSE).
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Thank you man!


That link for the forum thread was really useful. Bethesda recently changed the forums so all old links doesn't work any longer, and to search you have to register.


Good to know Dead Reflex should work. :)


Also, if I were going to pirate i wouldn't wait the prices to drop, I would just download it illegally and at this time i would have finished it 30 times already :) heh. Don't worry, I'm with the good guys.


The problem is that i don't have international credit card, so i can only buy it in its "physical" form. And i didn't know the digital versions were moddable.


And I think you can't really play without the disk, that would not make sense because you could borrow it and install in infinite machines. So I'm already looking for an used sata driver.


You could purchase a Visa gift card (Those pre-paid cards at stores). They have them here in the USA...not sure where you are ^_^

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Hey guys. I bought it and got it running, I installed deadly reflex (OMOD version 6) but I couldn't notice any changing in AI actually.

I can perform the moves like bashing, throwing, etc. But the NPCs seems the same. Also, I don't know how to perform "power moves", I couldn't find any tutorial about this and a video on ytube says it's like "A(or left)+Attack" but it doesn't seems to work. I got obse (20) installed and working properly because could run a mod that depends on it and it ran flawlessly. (an adult one hehehehehe)


Any help?



Man! This game is stupidly intensive! When i was on sewers my fps was pretty high so i maxed it and even though the fps was absolutely playable (>50fps). But when i leave the sewers it dropped vertically. Absurd how it push even decent rigs to its limits. My rig isn't high-end nowadays, but that time (2006) it would be a dream rig. It looks amazing, and i downloaded the mod that reduces the grass polys and that optimization one, the grass one helps a little the framerate (3-5fps). Sometimes it still drops to unplayability (15fps) when outsides with a lot of actors around, but that is maxed out. I'm beginning to tune those sliders a little to prevent such slowdowns.

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