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Better Fallout New Vegas Ideas?


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Ironman game - saves&reloads are only for continuing the game between sessions (or recovering from crash). If you screw up a mission, you live with the consequences. If you die, you're dead and have to start over again.


Alternative: Hammerman game - same premise, except in case of death, you hit yourself in the head with a hammer, then reload and play on.

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Added challenge?

1) No theft of any kind. Unowned items are ok, anything flagged red is off limits - and yes that does mean you cannot complete some quests nor get many skillbooks.

2) No added inventory perks (Strong Back, Pack Rat, etc).

3) No addictive drugs allowed.

4) For sheer crazy level - Explosives only run, no backup weapons, if you run out of explosives you must not engage in combat directly (IE: sneak past the enemy instead or flee outright).

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Tin grenades are the most abundant ammo to make really, you would just demolish everything, Try a CQB character. I recently restarted with just survival, melee, and unarmed marked. Doing melee weapons and all that legion-esique(sp) stuff for a change.
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What about playing a character who doesn't believe in carrying weapons and/or uses whatever weapons he/she finds on the spot (like weapons enemies drop). Do you remember the last time a character of yours has used a pool cue to defeat foes? That should be challenging (at least until you max out the unarmed skill).
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