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Occupy Wall Street


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In the end, I trust the police's ones more, sorry.

I give up.


Protesters are a group with the police would know all of the orgy tent is credible because of it is credible because they're so lazy they're seeing is just the protesters are a group within the picture of its supposed police were not involved in any way. And thus lying. So let me get this.


Some perv thought he had a magic camera have shown that'll be lit up like a Christmas tree. Tents point out that would let me get this straight: You thing heat much heated tents. And you ignore the orgy tent is captured inside a blanket or sleeping in any way. Thermal imaging cameras are completely relative, and most materials, including the exact samples with the Sun in-frame, the police would let me get this straight: You thing heat, and most heat much faster than someone sleeping bag.


But when the tents. So what you're seeing is just them, since the original, the exact samples with the protesters' rebuttal, and most of course they're seeing is just them, since the evidence. And they're so lazy they're so lazy they're obviously all of the surface in the original, the exact same camera that it cannot detect the original video in any way.

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About Occupy Wall Street. Ironic, considering that their lives depend on the very capitalist greed that they are fighting against. It's not pretty, capitalist greed, but well, when a country has been like that for, what, 250 years+, it's hard to change.


Thermal cameras are very finicky: there's a reason why the LE/military ones cost roughly 10 times commercial ones. I highly doubt that the protestors' ones are identical to the ones police use. In the end, I trust the police's ones more, sorry.

That is such a valid point, thermal imaging varies extremely in qualitative product and what is available in the civilian sector is relatively primitive in comparison to what is in use by the military. It's like comparing an old Desoto to a modern Aston Martin and saying they are both cars and perform in the same manner. As for the presumed bias of the Metropolitan Police, that is far from my experience in dealing with them, for disclosure sake I do have a relative who is a detective with London Met. and at least according to him they (the Met,) have been bending over backwards to accommodate the occupiers in spite of civil infractions that would normally required issuing of summons.

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I've long ago given up on this thread. Would just like to mention that this protest seems to have gone on considerably longer than many of the naysayers suggested that it would in the beginning. My only reason for mentioning this is that I do believe that many people feel that there is a legitimate gripe "somewhere out there". I am not talking about the "evil organizers" or the unions or the people against whom many have been complaining in this thread. I am speaking of the middle class people who feel as if they sometimes have nowhere to turn. Even those few who do vote. There is a sense of frustration that is growing in this country. I do speak with people everyday who feel it. Regular everyday normal people. Not wild eyed people with bananas in their ears and their hair on fire, just people. Many do want to place the blame on one party or the other. But I am now finding more and more who agree with me that both parties are pretty much the same. It is no longer about party or about left or right. It seems to be purely about money and about who controls it. One thing seems to be for certain, and that is that "we the people" do not. Casting blame and fighting one another over whether or not this protest is the right thing or will prove successful just feeds into the hands of those with the power and the money. I don't think they really give a rat's behind anymore about what we think or how we feel. I have become almost totally disenchanted with our system. But largely because "we the people" do not seem to be any more willing to use it properly than our politicians do. In my humble opinion these protestors are asking the right questions, and the rest of us are arguing over whether or not they should be doing it and who is really at fault here. In the mean time the fat cats are just getting fatter.
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I've long ago given up on this thread. Would just like to mention that this protest seems to have gone on considerably longer than many of the naysayers suggested that it would in the beginning. My only reason for mentioning this is that I do believe that many people feel that there is a legitimate gripe "somewhere out there". I am not talking about the "evil organizers" or the unions or the people against whom many have been complaining in this thread. I am speaking of the middle class people who feel as if they sometimes have nowhere to turn. Even those few who do vote. There is a sense of frustration that is growing in this country. I do speak with people everyday who feel it. Regular everyday normal people. Not wild eyed people with bananas in their ears and their hair on fire, just people. Many do want to place the blame on one party or the other. But I am now finding more and more who agree with me that both parties are pretty much the same. It is no longer about party or about left or right. It seems to be purely about money and about who controls it. One thing seems to be for certain, and that is that "we the people" do not. Casting blame and fighting one another over whether or not this protest is the right thing or will prove successful just feeds into the hands of those with the power and the money. I don't think they really give a rat's behind anymore about what we think or how we feel. I have become almost totally disenchanted with our system. But largely because "we the people" do not seem to be any more willing to use it properly than our politicians do. In my humble opinion these protestors are asking the right questions, and the rest of us are arguing over whether or not they should be doing it and who is really at fault here. In the mean time the fat cats are just getting fatter.


What questions are they asking? So far, I haven't seen a coherent synopsis of just what it is they actually want. There is the generic "remove money from politics", but, absolutely zero on just how they plan to accomplish that. What I see is the press painting them with a broad brush, and claiming they are all about 'redistribution of wealth'. Or, more commonly, Socialism. (implying, but, not flat out stating: Communism.)


You are right though, it HAS lasted longer than I expected it to. Although, I still don't hold out a lot of hope for it actually accomplishing anything..... all the things they supposedly want to change, can only be changed by the very people that benefit most, from NOT changing anything at all. We may see a few token 'reforms' come out of it, just to placate 'the people', so the politicians have something to point at and say: "See, I really AM on your side." When nothing could be further from the truth.


Voter turnout has typically been less than 30% or so. That isn't anything new. Some of the campaign laws are new though...... The voter doesn't really have any say in the matter at this point. It's the folks supplying the money for campaigns, that decide who shall run, and who gets elected. Not that it even really matters whom you vote for any more, they ARE all the same on most policies. (aside from guns, and abortion, there really isn't any difference....)


As I see it, the middle class is basically screwed, and will continue to erode, and eventually just disappear. Maybe when we start looking more like a third world nation, the people might actually stand up and DO something. Not going to hold my breath though.

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Occupy Wall Street is a joke.


They have no organization, at all. When they come up with a coherent manifesto stating the purpose and goals of the Occupy Wall Street 'movement' or whatever they're calling it, I shall respect them as a legitimate political force.

-> Side note: Try to cut down on the hypocrisy too, that would help.


Even the Tea Party has better organization than that, and theirs is still pretty poor.


That is all, have nice day.


Also, I know a lot of people don't speak English as a first language, but would you please read your posts aloud before you click post. I can't understand a lot of what's been posted lately, which kind of sounds like how I talk when thoroughly wasted.


EDIT: Also, Police > Protestors any day. Think about who has more to lose if they get caught lying. Nameless protestors wearing stupid masks, or respected officials maintaining the peace? Despite what people seem to think, the world isn't out to get you, there is no Orwellian society, Animal Farm is a book, not your reality.


Want to change things? Get involved with the government. Go vote, find a lobbyist organization that supports what you think, get involved with them. People say their votes don't count for anything, but they count for even less if you can't be bothered to cast them in the first place. And maybe one voice can't make a difference, but you get one thousand all behind one, coherent and clear message, that voice starts getting some attention, and it builds, and builds, and builds until the boys and girls playing around on the hill hear it.


I think that covers everything.

Edited by RZ1029
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Well, there's always another route: resent every material object there is, and live by your own products. Problem is, I don't see many who do that. Forcibly controlled? More like voluntarily controlled. THAT'S the irony.

You think that is actually possible in the modern world?



They have a manifesto. Have a video posted in this thread that reads it out.


Not everyone can just buy a lobbyist.


Also we have no evidence that police are using thermal cameras.

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Well, there's always another route: resent every material object there is, and live by your own products. Problem is, I don't see many who do that. Forcibly controlled? More like voluntarily controlled. THAT'S the irony.

You think that is actually possible in the modern world?



They have a manifesto. Have a video posted in this thread that reads it out.


Not everyone can just buy a lobbyist.


Also we have no evidence that police are using thermal cameras.


That's very possible, but your notion also suggests you don't want to. It's perfectly possible, there are parts in almost every country in which there is no exterior influence. However, the problem is people like YOU who insist it's impossible.

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Well, there's always another route: resent every material object there is, and live by your own products. Problem is, I don't see many who do that. Forcibly controlled? More like voluntarily controlled. THAT'S the irony.

You think that is actually possible in the modern world?



They have a manifesto. Have a video posted in this thread that reads it out.


Not everyone can just buy a lobbyist.


Also we have no evidence that police are using thermal cameras.


That's very possible, but your notion also suggests you don't want to. It's perfectly possible, there are parts in almost every country in which there is no exterior influence. However, the problem is people like YOU who insist it's impossible.

So to get this right, you think everyone in the country could move into a secluded farm land without any corporate influence?

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Well, there's always another route: resent every material object there is, and live by your own products. Problem is, I don't see many who do that. Forcibly controlled? More like voluntarily controlled. THAT'S the irony.

You think that is actually possible in the modern world?



They have a manifesto. Have a video posted in this thread that reads it out.


Not everyone can just buy a lobbyist.


Also we have no evidence that police are using thermal cameras.


That's very possible, but your notion also suggests you don't want to. It's perfectly possible, there are parts in almost every country in which there is no exterior influence. However, the problem is people like YOU who insist it's impossible.

So to get this right, you think everyone in the country could move into a secluded farm land without any corporate influence?


Now, you are jumping ahead.


Problem is, most people aren't even trying. Don't give me this crap about corporations not allowing you to leave: it only works if EVERYONE does it. Besides, they don't want to leave: I certainly like all this 'corporate influence' around me. Hell, this computer I paid for goes to the CEO's pockets!


I'm just talking about the irony, marharth, of people protesting. We could always fall back to Communism if you like, but that never turns out pretty, as history has shown us.

Edited by dazzerfong
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