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Occupy Wall Street


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It's actually pretty easy to remove wealth from the hands of the few that doesn't require any form of political restructuring. Thomas Jefferson came up with one such solution by outlawing wills and bequeaths upon death. You die, your entire estate goes to the government. Your children don't get anything by way of inheritance.


Now I'm sure some of you will go "Oh but then parents can just give their wealth to their children while alive." Sure, but there's something called a gift tax that applies to gifts over a certain amount.

Edited by lukertin
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One more thing.


The same people who have said they hated government corruption and support freedom are now the ones who are against the protests.


Also if you think that the protests are not serious, you are officially wrong. Their were at least a few thousand people marching in new york today. Its bigger then you want to claim, you should seriously just admit your wrong before history completely runs you over at a later date.

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Can someone remind me again how rioting and generally making asses of themselves makes the OWS people and 'their message' (whatever the hell it is) endeared to the average hard-working American? And why are they not camped out on George Soros' front lawn or marching on the White House behind all of this Solyndra business? I mean if they REALLY ARE against 'big money' controlling politics and corruption, Soros pumps millions every year into the political arena and the Solyndra scam definitely qualifies as corruption. Why aren't the OWS people going there? What's REALLY going on? :rolleyes:
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Can someone remind me again how rioting and generally making asses of themselves makes the OWS people and 'their message' (whatever the hell it is) endeared to the average hard-working American? And why are they not camped out on George Soros' front lawn or marching on the White House behind all of this Solyndra business? I mean if they REALLY ARE against 'big money' controlling politics and corruption, Soros pumps millions every year into the political arena and the Solyndra scam definitely qualifies as corruption. Why aren't the OWS people going there? What's REALLY going on? :rolleyes:

We have explained this at least four times now.


George Soros is a single person. OWS supports putting limits on single donations. The big issue is large corporations who donate money, they end up going into the billions over all.


The reason that they are not camping on his front lawn is because the other places are more important to get your message out.


Also post a video of the thousands of people marching in new york "rioting."


You are seriously misinformed if you still think that there are thousands of people marching in new york that are simply taking place in a huge conspiracy theory riot.


They are holding signs and chanting what they want. That is what protesting is. Rioting is when you do violent outbursts against property and other people.


Or I could be wrong right? I mean look at all these damn rioters and asses!





And yes they are not organized. That is a good thing. If they were organized completely that would mean a single group would be controlling the protests. That is a terrible idea.


If you can find a single video that even resembles a large group "rioting" then I might be a bit more willing to listen to this. What I am hearing now is same things I would hear on Fox News, and I don't think anyone has any real evidence that the protesters are just rioters and asses.

Edited by marharth
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Did you miss that whole Oakland thing? You know, with the protesters setting up barracades, vandalizing public and private property, throwing fire bombs and chunks of concrete at the police. THAT riot. And they weren't Girl Scouts, they were OWS protesters.


"They blocked off a street with wood, metal dumpsters and other large trash bins, sparking bonfires that leapt as high as 15 feet in the air. Several businesses were heavily vandalized. Dozens of protesters wielding shields were surrounded and arrested."


That's from an AP report on 11/03/11. Sounds like a riot to me.


"A group of protesters broke into the former Travelers Aid building in order to, as some shouting protesters put it, "reclaim the building for the people." They voiced anger over budget cuts that forced the closure of a homeless aid program."


That's from the same AP report. Not only are they OWS people, now they're criminals.


Oh yeah, and the whole 'just a few trouble makers sneaking in' excuse is dead and stinking. Oakland PD has already proven the people they arrested were indeed anarchists associated with the OWS movement. And none of them lived in Oakland. They made it a POINT to travel there.


:thumbsup: ALRIGHT OWS!!! Wooo-HOO!!! :rolleyes:

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Here's your VIDEO, Marharth, where the protester girl is all to happy to admit the protesters were throwing rocks and bottles BEFORE the police used pepper gas and rubber bullets.




For everyone else, she's a college student. Nice to see that her parents are getting their money's worth. (insert Looney Toons 'Beaky the Buzzard' laughter here)

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One more thing.


The same people who have said they hated government corruption and support freedom are now the ones who are against the protests.


Also if you think that the protests are not serious, you are officially wrong. Their were at least a few thousand people marching in new york today. Its bigger then you want to claim, you should seriously just admit your wrong before history completely runs you over at a later date.


Eh? Those of us who are sceptical about the protests are "officially wrong"? Did I miss receiving the OHMS envelope advising me that Her Majesty's Government has pronounced that I'm wrong about this? As well as the one from the US Embassy?


The sheer arrogance of that girl in the video is staggering, as is the assertion that being against the protests is not compatible with being against corruption and supporting freedom. Fancy claiming she speaks for the 99%...sorry love, you don't. Peaceful demonstrations are one thing. Occupations are quite another since they actually interfere with the liberties of others to enjoy public spaces. She talked about reclaiming the area they'd been evicted from as if it was their own exclusive property rather than public property.


Let's be quite clear about this. The casino bankers have a lot of questions to answer, but these protests aren't going to make them do it. Use the ballot box and lobby your representatives, MP's whatever. The bank bosses should be called to account in front of Government committees that have real teeth, particularly where the taxpayer is a main shareholder (RBS, you know who you are....) The telephone number figures bonuses need reining in. But to use a European example, the EU proposed banking tax isn't an answer - actually that is a not so very cunning plan (since we have already seen through it)to wrest business from the City of London and pass it to the Paris and Frankfurt bourses.

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