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Dying Armor....Cmon. you know you want to.



52 members have voted

  1. 1. What color scheme embodoes your hero?

    • Black
    • Yellow
    • Crimson
    • Forest Green
    • Nightsky Blue
    • Emperor Zurg Purple

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Ever become tired of the same Brown iron currais?

Of those black Gloves that just exentuate your hero.

Every armor we have seen so far, has had multiple variations to its look.

(Most likely due to the new smithing feature)

I see no technological complications to this, as it is entirely Cosmetic choice of apparel.

Now im not asking for yellow iron, or blue leather gauntlets,

but simply a color choice on the trim, and the bindings.(Cape :blush: ?) to give more character to my..eh..character.

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Well, interesting first topic fellow elder council member. I would love the idea but how much of their art direction would be diminished by this feature? I would rather see more unique works by them then a reduced number enabling us to color the trim. Now if you are just talking clothing...then I agree 100%. Forest Green btw...
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Hmm, well i see it as just another addition to crafting, as long as the base color choises are not drasticly influencing, but instead just subtle reminders that this is your armor, which represents you.

Perhaps it means something more. Such as allegiance.

Oblivion Guard armors were all the same model with just a different color and insignia.


So how about emblems?

Choose one for design appeal, or to show loyalty.

npcs may notice it and make comments. perhaps theyll like you more for supporting the Riverwood Shield Brothers. Or challenge you to a duel for your support to the Argonian Faction ;)

MAYBE guards can give you it as a badge, so instead of having to wear a Guard specific uniform to be recognised and have authority, the insignia can just be placed on the armor of your choosing.

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Hmm, well i see it as just another addition to crafting, as long as the base color choises are not drasticly influencing, but instead just subtle reminders that this is your armor, which represents you.

Perhaps it means something more. Such as allegiance.

Oblivion Guard armors were all the same model with just a different color and insignia.


So how about emblems?

Choose one for design appeal, or to show loyalty.

npcs may notice it and make comments. perhaps theyll like you more for supporting the Riverwood Shield Brothers. Or challenge you to a duel for your support to the Argonian Faction ;)

MAYBE guards can give you it as a badge, so instead of having to wear a Guard specific uniform to be recognised and have authority, the insignia can just be placed on the armor of your choosing.

Emblems would be fairly simple. I would love them.

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That would be a great idea and it's like jedimembrain said, it was in Fable 3 and personally I think it worked out beautifully. I mean there could have been a bit more tidying up but it would be awesome to choose what color our armor and that would be (glove, shoes etc.). Something I always found wrong in Oblivion was mismatching armor. You could have a dark outfit and then you have these shoes that are awesome, but are huge, bulky, furry, and very light brown :/
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there are ploblems with this .. technical standpoint it would require another texture map for each armor piece .. a masking map to define areas where the coloring would and wouldn't effect .. and a few extra lines in the shader script to use the map as well as color it .. maybe if it only worked for the player character this wouldn't be to much of a concern .. and even then it would be extra work for the artists .. I'm not saying this wouldn't be great .. but its not an easy thing to add
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