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PC screenshots?


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I'm ready to say this is the first PC screenshot I'm sure isn't from the console .. two reasons


1:The helmet trim isn't as blurry as what we have seen in the console elven armor.


2:The snow on the rock is a dead giveaway to me.. as some of you know the snow effect is not part of the texture of the rocks in Skyrim .. it is instead an overlay texture that is projected on top of the rocks .. that way bethesda doesn't need to texture two versions of each rock/item and instead the snow is a procedural effect .. look how smooth the snow overlay texture blends in with the rock texture .. in previous images the snow was very pixelated around the edges .. this picture the snow seems to smoothly blend in like the masking texture for the effect is much higher res.



Was it really necessary to post the exact same post in two topics?Besides, that doesn't really prove that it's from the PC, both of those reasons could be explained through a newer build than past screenshots.


Yes and no .. Yes it was since the first time I posted this was in the general info thread and people were talking about that image .. the second post was in this thread .. a thread talking about PC images .. and No that can't be explained by a newer build.. they aren't working on graphics this late in the process I assure you.. plus the only way they could improve that is from higher res textures .. you can't make textures higher res in a console game since its stunted by the RAM .. the only thing you could do to imncrease the res is by merging all the maps in a single level .. which they certainly didn't do .. this is also from the PC gamer press releases.


and thanks for quoting me .. now its three posts .. oh wait .. I'll make that four by double quoting me. :D

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They do increase the graphics when they go through the optimization process, which usually happens late in development after they've stopped adding content.Besides, that screen doesn't even look that much better than the footage we've seen on the 360, if that is the PC version, they've been overhyping it, because those textures aren't even that high.
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They do increase the graphics when they go through the optimization process, which usually happens late in development after they've stopped adding content.Besides, that screen doesn't even look that much better than the footage we've seen on the 360, if that is the PC version, they've been overhyping it, because those textures aren't even that high.


alright .. few things wrong here .. they tend to do optimization of the graphics much earlier than 5 weeks before release .. more like a few months before release .. at this point they are debugging if not done completely .. they should be ready to go gold right about now .. and those textures are not low res .. maybe they arn't crysis res but they are on par or better than the F3 PC resalution .. besides .. I'm talking about the snow effect mostly .. its ten times better than any of the other screenshots... take a close look at the blending where the snow starts to fade with the rock textures in these images.





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I think that this is a PC screenshot:



The statue looks very detailed, but aside from that, look at the snow on the stones.

It looks a lot more detailed then in any of the other screens.

Also look at the shadow in the lower left corner, it looks really smooth.

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I think that this is a PC screenshot:


The statue looks very detailed, but aside from that, look at the snow on the stones.

It looks a lot more detailed then in any of the other screens.

Also look at the shadow in the lower left corner, it looks really smooth.


That one I'm not to sure about .. the shadow is smooth but Ive seen distant shadows in other screens that were smooth too .. the snow still has a lot of pixellation on the edges where it blends but that could just be because of the LOD .. its farther away so it would make sense .. since its from the same press release I'm inclined to agree it is from the PC .. but nothing about it really stands out from the console shots like the snow on the elven armor pic does.

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