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Certain mods not working - problem with Archive Invalidation?


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Hi! So, I recently got back into playing Oblivion again, but I've run into some problems trying to install some mods. The weird thing is, the majority of them work fine, but it's the ones without esps that seems to not want to work. I install these mods in all the right places, but they just stubbornly refuse to make a difference in game.


Specifically, the mods are:

- wz_inventory

- Classic Sword Replacers

- Less "peachy" male elven cuirass


The other 20 or so mods I've got installed are working beautifully. As I said, all these other mods have esps to activate and deactivate. It's just the ones without them that don't do anything.


I'm running the game on Steam, Windows 7, and have OBMM installed and (apparently) working. I've tried everything I can think of and everything I've read so far. I've tried running OBMM as an administrator (which shouldn't be the problem, because I've got UAC turned off) and using the Archive Invalidation utility. I've tried creating an omod out of the files with OBMM and then activating them there. I've also run countless conflict tests and been getting green across the board. But these things just will not work, regardless! I've also got BOSS running.


Is there anything I'm missing? This is completely stumped me so far.


Thanks in advance for your help!


Edit: I might as well also mention that I do have the game installed in the default place, but this isn't something that I could change with Steam AFAIK. Anyway, I've got UAC off, so that shouldn't be the problem, right?

Edited by maym_001
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How did you do your archive invalidation? Considering you have OBMM installed, the easiest way is using the option from it's Utilities menu button. The option there to chose is BSA Redirection and it's a set once and forget solution.


If that describes the option you already have selected then you possibly could still be running into interference from UAC. Here's a link to Moving a Steam Installation, which was taken from bben46's Nexus Wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure.

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A Steam installation comes with .bsa archives with a newer "last modified" date than an installation from disc. BSA Redirection requires your replacement textures to be more recent than your archives to work properly. The easiest way to go about fixing this is to get File Date Changer and rollback the dates in question on all of the .bsa archives that come with your basic installation to somewhere around 2005.
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Thanks guys, I got it sorted now, and sorry for the slow reply, I've been at work. :mellow:


Striker879, OBMM's Archive Invalidation was the one I was using and it wasn't working. MShoap13, you were right, the timestamps were the issue. I actually figured this out before your reply, but had to go to work before actually fixing it, which probably sounds rich coming in a response hours after your post. :blush: I didn't know about that File Date Changer dealy, so I uninstalled, reinstalled and reset the timestamps with OBMM, then installed the mods and they worked like a charm.


Thanks again guys!

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