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Dragon weapons?


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Perhaps it won't be so much as a dragon weapon, rather than you can collect items (after killing one) that could be incorporated into a weapon or something for extra damage and such.


I think it would be awesome to have a dragon bow or a sword made from its fang....I'm being all Inuyasha here lol :biggrin:

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Man i am WAY behind on skyrim news. I never knew about dragon armor! Are there screenshots out yet?
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Wait, but what about this one?


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Wait, but what about this one?



That one Ive forgotten about .. Its not dragon armor but it sure looks cool :D .. I wonder if its another armor you can craft out of some creature... notice the dragon armor looks just like the scales on th dragon models they have shown

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Man i am WAY behind on skyrim news. I never knew about dragon armor! Are there screenshots out yet?


only one ..




Actually, that (to me) more closely resembles the description of the black Thalmor armor. Do we have undeniable proof that this is indeed dragon armor?

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