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Dragon weapons?


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The door in this particular screenshot looks.. suspicious..


Only because its assumed to be the dark brotherhood


You know... a lot of you use a lot of sarcasm

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Man i am WAY behind on skyrim news. I never knew about dragon armor! Are there screenshots out yet?


only one ..



Actually, that (to me) more closely resembles the description of the black Thalmor armor. Do we have undeniable proof that this is indeed dragon armor?



Care to describe this "black thalmor" armor?


To me, the leathery parts look like underbelly pelts, and then the larger bits look like scales. And then the horns on the helm.

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I was actually gonna work on a shield mod I was gonna take the most wicked looking shield add some dragon teeth to it make it look really wicked give it some fire resist stats and give it a chance to disarm attacker because the weapon can get tangled in the teeth and I'll put a bleed effect on if you shield bash them poking hole in there body
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