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The "Report" Button


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I remember a very long time ago we had a Report Button that would turn red and say "Reported" when it was pressed. Then anyone who wanted to make a report on the same issue would see that it had been already reported and not flood the Moderators unnecessarily. I too often see something that I believe should be brought to the attention of the Staff, but I don't know for certain if they have already been notified. Is it possible with our shiny new website to get that function back? Just curious.



The Rabbit

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I can recall this being asked before, but I can't seem find the related topic.

The answer back then was that they wouldn't mind seeing multiple reports as it'd give a better view of the situation.

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We absolutely don't mind getting multiple reports. The backend code consolidates them all into a single thread, so it isn't like we're having to respond to multiple different ones. And the additional info provided sometimes makes it easier for us to determine the exact problem.


So go ahead, when you think somehthing might be wrong, "Press that Report button!" It can't hurt, and it might help. :thumbsup:

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Thank you both for your very informative responses. It settles a question that I've had for some time.



The backend code consolidates them all into a single thread, so it isn't like we're having to respond to multiple different ones. :thumbsup:

I kind of thought that might be the case, but not being part of the 'in' crowd I wasn't sure. Thank you, once again.




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