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Graphics and Textures


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Hello I've been playing New vegas on High settings last week,,it was cool(mostly textures at high setting war is a little on mid) I put a better preformance mod in,,all my graphics are muddy and blochey,,I need help if anyone needed me to upload a pic I will.


a few mods are affected by it,,Shrapnel guns arnt high detailed,(even tho my textures are high cause thats the only way they will work)

the ncp faces are plain,,with no sort of features(like the old guy who gives you dynamite in goodsprings lost his wrinkles)

the world just looks bad the textures and everything,,if anyone could help would be a blessing,,,so far i never get responses from forums.

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Which one was it? There are at least 4 files named 'better performance'. Put the link to it in your answer.



also gonna take a pic.

Like all my textures are really bad,,even tho I dont have a super computer I was playing GREAT graphics wise a few days ago,,but lag here and there so i got the better preformance thing,,,

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I don't understand why you started another topic on that issue.

Really well my girlfriend plays and install mods,,,you must have me confused with her ,,I had no idea she even came too the forums too do that we both were complaining about the textures ,Don't make assumptions so fast.
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don't know how much help it'll be, but have you tried placing the performance .esp file higher in the load order so it doesn't take precedence over the other mods? As the author said that mod should only affect some unused objects in the game, maybe other mods make use of those objects and thus causing the problem. Edited by monshael
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Something I don't understand, it's your account or is it hers? Either way, only 1 should post on it, not both. At least tell each other what you posted and where.


For the 'better performance mods' and bug fixes, best to place them up higher then the rest, else it will have to think very hard to get those added and changed inworld.

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