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Atronach weakness2normal&fortifymagika


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While messing around with the console command(showbirthsignmenu) and then typed closeallmenus. I still have the Atronach active effects(weakness to normal weapons + fortify magicka 100, but no stunted magicka) I am wondering if I can remove the active effects from Atronach, Thanx for reading :)
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That doesn't sound like the atronach birthsign I have..... what mods are you running?

I don't have any mods that changes my birthsign whatsoever... I changed my birthsign by console command but the active effects are still there. I'm asking if it is possible to remove the active effects from atronach birthsign.

Edited by endlessmark
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Atronach birthsign give a bunus to magica, (150), 50% spell absorption, and stunted magicka. Weakness to normal weapons comes from somewhere else.


From the Oblivion Wiki:


ShowRaceMenu, ShowBirthsignMenu, and ShowClassMenu

All three of these work in a similar way. The first will pull up the menu that lets you change your race, gender, name, and facial features, the second will let you change your birth sign, and the third will let you change your major attributes and skills. These things are touchy, though, so you need to follow these instructions on using them. First, type in the command but do not close the console window. Make the desired changes to your character, with the console window and race/class/birthsign menu open (do not hit 'Done'), then hit Esc and make a new save - load this new save. You can now close the console window, if it's still open, but at no time before now should you close it or it will revert all of your character's stats in that menu to their default. This method may not work reliably (or it may only work for the ShowRaceMenu command).Your stats will remain untouched as long as you keep the race menu and console open. Also, you need to navigate away from the first page of the menu before saving. Click 'race' and save from there. Load immediately without closing anything. Alternatively you can change your skills using the player.setav command, as long as you have installed the 1.1.511 patch.



Not sure what happens if you don't follow this procedure..... probably leads to some interesting results.... such as what you have.... You could try using RemoveSpell.... have to look up the ID's for the effects you want to remove first.

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