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Need help moving character creation to my own dungeon


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Have you pathgrided your dungeon? When you place NPCs in the Construction Set they may wind up in unexpected places by the time you get to their area if there isn't any path nodes in the area.
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Have you pathgrided your dungeon? When you place NPCs in the Construction Set they may wind up in unexpected places by the time you get to their area if there isn't any path nodes in the area.

I'm confused on what you mean, what i am trying to do is make it so that when you make a new character he starts in my dungeon. I would like to get rid of all the exiting quest and make a unique story line. With your experience do you know if it is possible.

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OK I understand what you're talking about now. To do something like that is outside my own personal modding experience, but when I've seen similar questions posted here usually it comes down to downloading similar alternative start quests and examining their quest scripts to see how they do it. My basic understanding is that you will be replacing the vanilla start game quest script with yours, hooking to the character generation scripts where appropriate in your own start. Perhaps someone with a bit more hands on experience in this area will jump in.
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OK I understand what you're talking about now. To do something like that is outside my own personal modding experience, but when I've seen similar questions posted here usually it comes down to downloading similar alternative start quests and examining their quest scripts to see how they do it. My basic understanding is that you will be replacing the vanilla start game quest script with yours, hooking to the character generation scripts where appropriate in your own start. Perhaps someone with a bit more hands on experience in this area will jump in.

OK sweet all kept asking around and now i have a direction to go thanks.

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There are a couple of ways to have a character start somewhere other than in the Imperial City Prison. I forget how the more elegant way to do it works, but here is the easy way:


(1) Turn the Imperial Prison into your own dungeon. Initially disable everything in the whole cell except the player start marker. (Or you could hide it all with CastleSecretBlack01. You don't want to just delete everything because Wrye Bash considers that to be mod dirt.) Build your own dungeon in that cell and move the player start marker to the place you want. Change the name of the cell. Connect the doors to new cells that you make for the other cells in your dungeon.


If this approach does not suit you, myself or someone else could look up how to do it the harder way where the coding redirects the player to a different XMarker Heading than the original.

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There are a couple of ways to have a character start somewhere other than in the Imperial City Prison. I forget how the more elegant way to do it works, but here is the easy way:


(1) Turn the Imperial Prison into your own dungeon. Initially disable everything in the whole cell except the player start marker. (Or you could hide it all with CastleSecretBlack01. You don't want to just delete everything because Wrye Bash considers that to be mod dirt.) Build your own dungeon in that cell and move the player start marker to the place you want. Change the name of the cell. Connect the doors to new cells that you make for the other cells in your dungeon.


If this approach does not suit you, myself or someone else could look up how to do it the harder way where the coding redirects the player to a different XMarker Heading than the original.


Sweet that works great for my purpose thanks a lot for the help. Just for curiosity what would the difference be between the elegant way and the other way.

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