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Skyrim is keeping me from...


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Skyrim is my primary target but I wont miss dark souls wich comes to my doorstep on monday morning ^_^ and UC3 but when skyrim comes out it will be crazy, I will keep playing oblivion and both fallouts though XD
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I won't be missing any games because of Skyrim. The only other game I'm interested in getting right now is the new Professor Layton and Dark Souls looks like it would be cool to try, but I'm not blowing money on a whole new console just for one game.
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I won't be missing any games. I've been looking and sifting through pages of other games that are being released and I could be playing, but one thought keeps coming up in my head...I could be playing Skyrim.


Although I am going to purchase Battlefield 3, mostly because its the only game where I can't say that, because they ARE so very different. Although I can be 100% sure that I will play battlefield 3 until Skyrim comes out, and then not touch it for a month or 3 months until I've beaten Skyrim a few dozen times.


I've pre-ordered the strategy guide (collectors edition) (Mostly because it looks cool, I probably won't use it) and the collectors edition of the game. Very excited!


Although you must understand one thing about me...I play one game at a time. I don't play more than 1 game at a time, I play that one game to death until I am severely bored of it. Save for League of Legends.

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I'm actually not sure yet.


I'm hoping BF3 will be fun enough when it's properly released, but I'm afraid that it's just way too ridiculous now that I've been playing and working with ArmA2 for the past 2½ years. But it will probably serve good for quickgames when I need some variation even when Skyrim is released.


I'm also very interested in Rage, but it need patching, a texture-pack and better drivers, which I'm almost sure wont be released until just when Skyrim is released :(


Serious Sam 3 will be cooped, but I think that wont take more than one or two nights. So Skyrim hopefully wont prevent me from playing through this.


Also VBS2 VTK, which I got a month ago, but still havent had time to play around with that much because of work with a mod-project that has to be done before Skyrim :P



Luckliy Skyrim is the last interesting game to be released this year. So at least I have a fair chance to play through everything else before that. When I have it here in my hands, everything else will be completely ignored for a few months! At least until ArmA3 is released next summer.

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